angularjs - AngularUI unable to change state with ui-sref -

i have following simple navigation:

<ul class="iconsline ic2 etabs">     <li>         <a ui-sref="dashboard.tree.workstation.queue"><span class="icos-user"></span></a>     </li>     <li>         <a ui-sref="dashboard.tree.workstation.settings"><span class="icos-cog2"></span></a>     </li> </ul> <div ui-view="detaildialogcontent"></div> 

these links not change state. however, if execute $state.transitionto("dashboard.tree.workstation.settings"); show expect when click link.

i don't see i'm missing here. crazy?

state definition:

        state('dashboard.tree.workstation.settings', {             onenter: function () {                 console.log('dashboard.tree.workstation.settings');             },             views: {                 'detaildialogcontent': {                     templateurl: '/partials/admin/dialog/bits/workstation-settings.htm'                 }             }         }). 

turns out v0.0.1 not have directive. went , grabbed , included in project.


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