
Showing posts from February, 2011

google maps - How to refresh gmap markers in primefaces p:gmap after updating the gmap with new markers -

i have problem on project gmap component of primefaces 3.5 i'm using jsf2.0. have command button filtering on markers , important updates mapform <h:form id="epsfilterform"> <p:commandbutton action="#{mapmb.filterprojects}" value="#{bundle['filter'] }" update=":mapform" /> </h:form> mapform: <h:form id="mapform"> <p:gmap id="googlemap" center="48.849988,2.3805715" zoom="11" type="terrain" fitbounds="false" model="#{mapmb.advancedmodel}" widgetvar="wmap" style="width:1000px;height:700px;display: inline-block;" > <p:ajax event="overlayselect" listener="#{mapmb.onmarkerselect}" /> <p:gmapinfowindow> <p:outputpanel style="text-align:center;display:block;margin:auto:"> <p:panelgrid columns="2" styleclass

html5 radio shoutcast stream not working in firefox -

i have problem html5 audio streams have tried several players without luck the problem in firefox , internet explorer, on streams return (at least firefox does) "http "content-type" of "text/plain" not supported. load of media resource; failed." ok, have red , it's incorrect mime types, on server side should change, stream not mine, not solution in tunein radio stream works, there has solution abit of searching use same external source: even without /; on end has solved issue ? have read fix firefox in version 24, can't wait long... sort of workaround must exist since works on i have tried audio.js, mediaelement , others all works in chrome.

jquery - Is it possible to animate and change the width of a div only from a specified height and leave the rest as it is? -

i want animate div top half(height:50px) has width of 100px , bottom half(height:200px) has width of 200px. possible? see jsfiddle example of end result have animated in 1 div. some css jsfiddle example pic because stackoverflow giving me trouble having jsfiddle link: #a{ background-color:blue; height:50px; width:100px; } #b{ background-color:blue; height:200px; width:200px; } is possible? if yes, how go doing so? i not sure hope link you. and this: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <style> div { background-color:#bca; width:200px; height:1.1em; text-align:center; border:2px solid green; margin:3px; font-size:14px; } button { font-size:14px; } </style> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <button id="go1">

php - How to add multiple images to offers-table using joins? -

i made upload form upload multiple images server. made function in model add file names database, works great. want assign images 1 offer (table in database) i using table joins add more 1 offer specific company (table in database) so 1 company can have more offers, offers has more 1 image. translation: aanbieding means offer, bedrijven means company, foto means image the current case: there created 3 offers. each image there's offer created, same info, difference image id. my table joining companies, offers , images looks following: bedrijfaanbiedingen ------------------- idbedrijfaanbiedingen idbedrijven idaanbiedingen idfotoaanbiedingen idaanbiedingcat as can see it's possible have 1 company several offers , several images. my model adding offer looks this: public function addaanbieding($image_data = array()) { $data1 = array( 'aanbieding' => $this->input->post('aanbiedingnaam'), 'tekst' => $this-

C++ Boost program_options crash -

i'm using boost program options project can't program exit without crashing. crashes after exiting main function. *** glibc detected *** bin/poolserver: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000002562100 *** ======= backtrace: ========= /lib/[0x7f64a7a3be16] /lib/[0x7f64a7a40b8c] /usr/lib/[0x7f64a826cee9] /lib/[0x7f64a7a00995] /usr/local/lib/[0x7f64a85026d6] ======= memory map: ======== 00400000-004a5000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 29687876 /var/coins/poolserver/cmake/build/bin/poolserver 006a4000-006a6000 rw-p 000a4000 08:01 29687876 /var/coins/poolserver/cmake/build/bin/poolserver 02562000-025a5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap] 7f64a0000000-7f64a0021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 7f64a0021000-7f64a4000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 7f64a5b2e000-7f64a5b2f000 -

PCL 1.6 with OpenCV in MS VC++ 2010 -

i trying integrate pcl opencv using ms vc++ 2010. followed procedure mentioned here. solution created , built message 2 successful , 1 skipped. but when try run it, error saying unable start program c:/project/build/debug/all_build, reason this? you have select project want run first, , make 'startup project' all_build not contain runnable code

c# - Please explain the $ use in jquery -

hi have piece of code $(document).ready(function () { $("#txttstimmlen").blur(function () { var myval2 = $("#txttstimmlen").val(); $hidden2 = $("#<%=dataimmlentb.clientid %>") $hidden2.val(myval2) }); }); is $hidden2 accessible inside blur function? or can accessed outside. first of all.. $ got nothing question @ all.. $ here name given variable. neither makes variable global nor local.. var infront of decalring variable does... and question asked..yes!!! can accessed outside..since creating global variable here. in given code... myval2 can accessed inside blur function . var $hidden2=... //^^^--here here add var in front ..this make variable local.. andcan accessed inside blur function .. without var global variable , hence can accessed throughout codes

onsubmit - Generate Transaction ID PHP -

i making fees collecting module college in php, on submit, want echo voucher number, every time voucher number should +1 previous voucher. , every day voucher number should start 1. just create db table store current voucher number , date. on every submit : check if date today's date. if not reset voucher number increment it and try little research before asking next time.

Android signin with Google plus issue on the first login -

i implemented signin google no problems. using fragment in place of activity. testing code on samsung galaxies happens signin system goes idle , not call onconnected method. happens first time, when terms , conditions shows. advice? here code: @override public void onactivitycreated(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.onactivitycreated(savedinstancestate); initgoogle() } private void initgoogle() { mplusclient = new plusclient.builder(getactivity() , , this).setvisibleactivities("", "").build(); } public void connectwithplus() { launchprogressscreen(); if(mplusclient != null && !mplusclient.isconnected()){ mplusclient.connect(); }else{ mplusclient.cleardefaultaccount(); mplusclient.disconnect(); mplusclient.connect(); } } @override public void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) { if

excel - Dividing not adjacent cells using VBA -

any suggestions of how solve problem? (updated) numerator , denominator ranges containing integer values. i want division cell cell of these ranges, e.g: numerator(1)/denominator(1) numerator(2)/denominator(2) ... and paste results in quotient . ranges of same size , row-vector dimensioned. my solution attempt: sub divranges() dim targetrng range, sourcerng1 range, sourcerng2 range = 1 targetrng.cells.count quotient.cells(i).value = numerator.cells(i).value / denominator.cells(i).value next end sub the problem divranges doesn't loop through each value of ranges since row-vectors. instead goes horisontally 1 step down grows. problem occurs when cells of ranges not adjacent. here's display of problem based on code mehow . result cells selected in sheet. if spreadsheet looks then code sub divranges() dim quotient range, numerator range, denominator range set numerator = range("a1:d1") set den

parsing - How to draw a parse tree when a small python file is parsed? -

my objective understand how abstract syntax tree works. able parse file using ast not able imagine how parse tree constructed.i explain scenario: class parse_tree : def move(): print "hello" import ast open('') f: tree = ast.parse( so "" file parsed ast in "". want know how following example transformed tree. how tree constructed ?

android - Has Anyone succeeded in implementing Holoeverywhere + Slidingmenu library 100% perfect? -

i have implemented on project , getting java.lang.nosuchfielderror: error. getting error on rotating screen or when holofragments ondestroyview() called. details here the recommendation found online use latest android-support-library.jar. unfortunately not solve issue. have tried commenting codes inside ondestroyview(), app works fine without error facing sliding menu issues on ics , above. slidingmenu animation not working on actionbar menu button press , sliding menu content not responding! did faced similar issue ? help/suggestions helpful! fixed issue replacing toggle() showbehind() !! now works , showbehind() works toggle() function !

tsql - SQL: Retrieve Values if different from prior date -

i have following table: date_ value_ 2013-07-13 100055 2013-07-14 100055 2013-07-15 120060 2013-07-16 115040 2013-07-17 115040 2013-07-18 130005 i return first value in results , every change. desired output: date_ value_ 2013-07-13 100055 2013-07-15 120060 2013-07-16 115040 2013-07-18 130005 thanks help! you looking group by clause , min function select min(date_) date_, value_ tab group value_

c - BMP 16-bit Image converting into array -

i have bmp format image archived in following manner (j = 0; j < 240; j++) { for(i=0;i<320;i++) { data_temp = lcd_readram(); image_buf[i*2+1] = (data_temp&0xff00) >> 8; image_buf[i*2+0] = data_temp & 0x00ff; } ret = f_write(&file, image_buf, 640, &bw); where lcd_readram function reads pixel @ time lcd screen i want know, how get pixel positions of image file. , how save values of each pixel in [320][240] matrix appreciated, thanks. a bmp file reader want. can bmp file reader , tweak purposes. example: this question , answer gives bmp file reader assumes 24-bit bmp format. format 16-bit, requires tweaking. here attempt @ doing (didn't test, should take hard-coded details grain of salt). int i; file* f = fopen(filename, "rb"); unsigned char info[54]; fread(info, sizeof(unsigned char), 54, f); // read 54-byte header int width = 320, height = 240; // might want extract info bmp header

memory management - How to solve *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: -

i using valarray class , following error: *** glibc detected *** /pathatomyproject/debug/boundaryelements: free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000000608dd0 *** ======= backtrace: ========= /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f40bb272b96] ======= memory map: ======== 00400000-00408000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 80874818 00608000-00609000 r--p 00008000 08:01 80874818 00609000-0060a000 rw-p 00009000 08:01 80874818 00ee3000-00f04000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap] 7f40bb1f4000-7f40bb3a9000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 81527681 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 7f40bb3a9000-7f40bb5a8000 ---p 001b5000 08:01 81527681 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 7f40bb5a8000-7f40bb5ac000 r--p 001b4000 08:01 81527681 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 7f40bb5ac000-7f40bb5ae000 rw-p 001b8000 08:01 81527681 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 7f40bb5ae000-7f40bb5b3000 rw-p 00

javascript - Fitting blocks inside a container the best possible way -

i have container fixed size (h x w) im getting images , based on amount of them want fit them container best possible way, keeping in mind latest image must biggest, , forth lets first 3 images, there after can same size. the images have same size, or rather ratio, lets 640x480. perhaps somehow crop them fit better? im using javascript this, , css of course. so have many scenarios example: 1 image - takes whole space 2 images - 50% 50% both 3 images - image 1 biggestm image 2 , 3 same? 4 images - images 1 biggest, 2, 3, 4 smallest etc this idea..

Image is not displayed in a Modal Pop Window using javascript and -

basically, trying develop aspx page user able upload image, display in modal pop window , crop if required. if display image outside of pop window works fine, if try display inside of pop window image not displayed. however, have noticed if keep image there , remove <asp:image id="imgcrop" javascript below, image displayed , off course not allow me crop it. here javacripts use display modal popwindow , set crop settings: <head runat="server"> <title>crop image</title> <link href="styles/jquery.jcrop.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.jcrop.js"></script> <script type="text/j

c++ - memcpy qt and compile error -

i have function scalibration(uint8_t number, const abc::report& report, return* ret) { uint8_t args[2]; args[0]=number; memcpy(&(args[1],&report,sizeof(abc::report))); } where report structure in file abc different data types . when tried compile error "l value requires unary & operand. please help memcpy(&(args[1],&report,sizeof(abc::report))); should be memcpy(&(args[1]),&report,sizeof(abc::report)); you should ensure args sufficiently large hold result.

JavaScript: assignment to an object within an array changes the value of all objects in the array -

i have object have array hold children of object, children instances of same object (i need tree structure object node of tree) var bugobject = function(kflag){ this._kflag = kflag; this._children = [] } bugobject.prototype.getkflag = function(){ return this._kflag; }; bugobject.prototype.setchildrenfromdata = function(data){ var = 0; var kflag = {flagtype : 'someflag', flagvalue : -1}; kddflag.flagtype = data.flagtype; var len = data.flagvalues.length; for( = 0 ; < len ; i++){ kflag.flagvalue = data.flagvalues[i]; this._children.push( new bugobject(kflag) ); //this print children for(j = 0; j<=i; j++){ console.log('child : ' + j + ' test :' + i); console.log(this._children[i].getkflag()); } console.log('--------------------'); } }; the idea create children of object based on data using setchildrenfromdata method h Post login data httpwebrequest and cookies -

im trying login website, works wont redirect when logs in. here code dim request webrequest = webrequest.create("") request.method = "post" dim postdata string = "username=testing&password=lmao1234" dim bytearray byte() = encoding.utf8.getbytes(postdata) request.contenttype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" request.contentlength = bytearray.length dim datastream stream = request.getrequeststream() datastream.write(bytearray, 0, bytearray.length) datastream.close() dim response webresponse = request.getresponse() console.writeline(ctype(response, httpwebresponse).statusdescription) datastream = response.getresponsestream() dim reader new streamreader(datastream) dim responsefromserver string = reader.readtoend() richtextbox1.text = responsefromserver reader.close()

python - How can I backup and restore MongoDB by using pymongo? -

does pymongo provide api enable backup or export of collections , rows? let me answer question in 2 parts does pymongo provide api enable backup or export of collections , rows? as of now, no. not provide binding method backup/mongodump can 1 use pymongo enable backup or export of collections , rows? yes. lets assume have collection col following documents in it { 'price':25, 'name':'pen' }, { 'price':20, 'name':'pencil' }, { 'price':10, 'name':'paper' }, { 'price':25000, 'name':'gold' } our aim backup documents satisfy condition price less 100. using pymongo's find function. can done by db.col.find({'price':{'$lt': 100}}) the above code returns cursor object. documents need backup in cursor object. a simple way insert documents recursively call documents 1 one , insert them. but far better method use list()

Basic sql query in microsoft access error -

select query1, table2, table3 update table2 set companycount=(select count(*) table3 ; here query trying run keep getting error messages in access stating sometthing in select misspelled or wrong. know why happening? if vague please let me know , give more info. in advance! edit: case,case2, , companycount column names edit2: ok sorry being vaugue data confidential cannot give but. have 2 tables multiple columns have done inner join in query 1. instructed add column first table:'table2' find multiple values(what mean there column item number, country/state, , check amount. there can multiple of same item in different states , countries.) person mannually put in data didnt divide $ amount in 'check amount' column number of same item. example have 1 item, distributed 3 countrys take 3 rows on data table. instead of dividing total cost $13,000 3, data states $13,000 each of 3 rows in 'check amount' column. want achieve is, wan

CSS Shorthand available? -

let's have following markup. <div class="parent1"> <div class="inner1"></div> <div class="inner2"></div> </div> <div class="parent2"> <div class="inner1"></div> <div class="inner2"></div> </div> if want style inner1 of parent1 can follows. .parent1 .inner1{} however if want specify different styles each of inner containers have write .parentx in each statement. question can nest css statements? logic resemble following: .parent1{ .inner1{} .inner2{} } .parent2{ .inner1{} .inner2{} } css not allow nesting. however, clever guys these days came concept of pre-compiled css, such sass, less etc. for example, in less allowed: #header { h1 { font-size: 26px; font-weight: bold; } p { font-size: 12px; { text-decoration: none; &:hover { border-width: 1px

Need jQuery selector for hidden form element -

this part of html form: <form name = 'myform'> <input type='button' name='mybutton' value='activate'> <input type='hidden' name='myhidden' value='elementvalue'> i want send value of hidden element server when user clicks 'activate' button using ajax. here a snippet works , need change part: $("input[name=choice1]").val(this.value); in order select hidden element value , don't know how. at moment i'm learning python, flask/jinja2 , html/css @ same time, diving jquery right now. thank efforts. $("input[name=myhidden]").val(this.value); just modify selector. see docs

linux - Printing a number in x86-64 assembly -

okay, trying print number (up 18446744073709551616) in x86-64 assembly linux. can please tell me why program not work? happens runs , exits. thank can give! global _start section .text ;printchar ; mov [letter],rax ; ; mov rax,1 ; mov rdi,1 ; mov rsi,letter ; mov rdx,1 ; syscall ; ret printdec: mov r9,18 ;so can point end of buffer mov r10,0 start: mov r8,number mov rdx,0 ;clear out rdx avoid errors mov rbx,10 ;what divide div rbx ;divide our number ten cmp rax,0 ;if our quotent 0 done, print buffer je end jmp addbuf addbuf: add r8,r9 ;mov current location in our buffer add rdx,0x30 ; add r8,r10 mov [r8],rdx ;mov last number in our buffer rdx dec r9 inc r10 jmp start end: add r8,r9 ;add last digit mov [r8],rdx inc r10 mov rax,1 mov rdi,1 mov rsi,r8 mov rdx,r10 syscall ret _start: mov rax,55 call printdec mov rax,60 mov rdi,0 syscall section .bss letter: res

c++ - VC11 LNK1107 referencing a header file -

so i've looked 2 days solution problem, else getting error seems linking against dll instead of lib. however, doesn't seem case me, here am. i'm trying build project in visual studio 2012 using vc110 (vs2012) toolchain. however, whenever build project, following linker error build log (detailed verbosity): 1>task "link" 1> environment variables passed tool: 1> vs_unicode_output=1344 1> c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 11.0\vc\bin\x86_amd64\link.exe /errorreport:prompt /out:"..\..\..\..\..\..\twk_results_win/viewlocal/x64/mc_out/debug\editorservicemgr.exe" /incremental /nologo /libpath:s:\twk_amf\implementation\editorservicemgr\proj\win\vc9\..\..\..\..\..\..\twk_results_win/viewlocal/x64/mc_inter/editorservicemgr/debug\..\..\..\..\..\..\external\trolltech_qt4\lib\win\x64\debug msvcrtd.lib qtcored4.lib qtguid4.lib qtxmld4.lib qtnetworkd4.lib qtuitoolsd.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib ad

php - mySQL stored procedure not returning the value it should -

any idea why: create definer = `root` @`%` procedure `geteventdata` (in id int) begin select * `event` `id` = id ; end $$ returns every row in event table when there single record id (which primary key) 4? just else has same question aware, apparently can't use parameter same name column you're checking.

java - Set caret position on JScrollPane -

i have jeditopane inside jscrollpane. have text content contain pre-defined tokens. i'm storing location of these tokens in database. when set text content jeditorpane, embed tokens html. add html break lines format content. now problem comes when want scroll 1 of highlighted tokens. seems start position of tokens, stored in database, not match when using setcaretposition(int). know it's because content in jeditorpane document mixed html. so there way search string in jeditorpane content, somehow caret position string found? do strings have commonalities? if do, try using combination of java.util.scanner or/and java.util.regex.matcher. make sure right regex need. once have found string indexof first letter , set caret position it. java scanner java matcher

linux - C++ socket never ready for write with poll -

i writing c++ wrapper sockets on linux. can connect read/write http server poll function works reading reason won't work writing. have tried using gdb , appears poll sets fd.revents 0 when pollout poll code: /** *@brief assigns request.reply based on fd.revents */ static void translate_request(mizaru::pollrequest &request, pollfd &fd) { assert( (fd.revents & pollhup) == 0); assert( (fd.revents & pollerr) == 0); assert( (fd.revents & pollnval) == 0); switch(fd.revents) { case (pollin | pollout) : request.reply = mizaru::poll_reply_rw; break; case pollin : request.reply = mizaru::poll_reply_read; break; case pollout : request.reply = mizaru::poll_reply_write; default : request.reply = 0; } } /** * @fills in based on request.request * , fd.fd based on request.sock */ static void prep_request(mizaru::pollrequest &request, pollfd &

python - Using urllib2.urlopen() to load a URL without waiting for a response -

i want send request don't want waste time waiting responses. because responses useless me. looked python doc didn't find solution. advice. have tried use urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=0.02) can't sure if request sent out. this called asynchronous loading, , here's blog post explaining how urllib2 . sample code: #!/usr/bin/env python import urllib2 import threading class myhandler(urllib2.httphandler): def http_response(self, req, response): print "url: %s" % (response.geturl(),) print "info: %s" % (,) l in response: print l return response o = urllib2.build_opener(myhandler()) t = threading.thread(, args=('',)) t.start() print "i'm asynchronous!" this load url without waiting response.

desire2learn - 303 Error when placing Valence call to input a grade value for a grade item for an individual user -

i getting '303 see other' error when i'm placing call provide specific grade value particular user. put /d2l/api/le/(d2lversion: version)/(d2lid: orgunitid)/grades/(d2lid: gradeobjectid)/values/(d2lid: userid)) all values valid (i'd 404 error otherwise). interestingly, call works courses, not others. ideas? we've used fiddler track request , request in format (replaced sensitive information '...'): put ...&x_b=-...&x_d=...&x_c=...&x_t=1374779761 http/1.1 content-type: application/json host: content-length: 44 expect: 100-continue {"gradeobjecttype":1,"pointsnumerator":30.0} the response was: http/1.1 303 see other cache-control: private content-length: 0 location: /d2l/error/500 server: microsoft-iis/7.5 x-xss-protection: 0 x-powered-by: date: thu, 25 jul 2013 19:16:40 gmt edit: we've discovered if grade

java - Android Studio ORMLite Configuration File - Could Not Find Raw Directory -

following notes previous question: android studio run configuration ormlite config generation i able configuration run 1 class, still failing with could not find raw directory this source package; import; import; import; import java.sql.sqlexception; /** * created user on 7/25/13. */ public class databaseconfigutil extends ormliteconfigutil { private static final class<?>[] classes = new class[]{ recordedsound.class, }; public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception, sqlexception { writeconfigfile(new file("g:\\machinesoundsproject\\machinesounds\\src\\main\\res\\raw\\ormlite_config.txt"), classes ); } } my platform windows, , cant figure out why keeps failing "could not find raw directory". this command android studio runs: "c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_37\bin\java

java - class file for org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.BasicOCSPResp not found -

i made mistake of running clean on netbeans project, has had no major api changes @ lately. build fails following error: class file org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.basicocspresp not found to knowledge, i'm not using such library in project. did find itext dependency of sort, when comment out of itext-related code, error persists. i have tried adding 1.49 version of bouncycastle netbeans project, no avail. (actually, did cure first bouncycastle no-class-found error had, second error next problem). looked in archive , found basicocspresp found under org.bouncycastle.ocsp. tried peeking @ versions 1.47, 1.46, , 1.32 , found basicocspresp under org.bouncycastle.ocsp , not org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp in of them. here build stacktrace: note: creating static metadata factory ... error:$completionfailure: class file org.bouncycastle.cert.ocsp.basicocspresp not found an annotation processor threw uncaught exception. consult following stack trace

c# - Parsing Error while using special characters -

i want highlight search string in result set. when search string (java,php), code works fine. when search string (java,c++), getting parsing error when code executes line— regexp = new regex(search_string.replace(" ", "|").trim(), regexoptions.ignorecase); i understand regex considers + , – special characters, hence when search string (c++) – used separate regular expression mentioned below – if (search_string.contains("++")) { regexp = new regex(@"c\+{2}"); } i facing issues combine both these regex,so code works when search string (java,c++). can suggest resolution parsing error? code snippet– if (search_string.contains(",")) { search_string = search_string.replace(",", " "); } // regular expression setup , add or operator. regexp = new regex(search_string.replace(" ", "|").trim(), regexoptions.ignorecase); /

cocoa touch - How can I use QLPreviewController in iOS to display image or file using http address? -

i' m trying use qlpreviewcontroller display files located in web http address. example want display image located here: in previewitematindex did this: nsstring* url = @""; return [nsurl urlwithstring: url]; but when click on image in tableview appears loading... indicator of qlpreviewcontroller rotating endlessly , in log see message: couldn't issue file extension path: /wp-content/uploads/2011/05/preview.jpg so question how can display files in qlpreviewcontroller located in web using http address in nsurl ? doing wrong? thanks. you need download items , pass file urls preview controller. preview controller deals display , user interaction you.

jsf 2 - p:dataTable and p:commandLink not working -

i have following: <p:datatable id="photopreview" var="file" value="#{ fileuploadmb.fileslist }"> <p:column> <p:commandlink ajax="false"> <p:graphicimage value="#{ fileuploadmb.streamedcontentfromfile }" rendered="#{ file.fileisimage }"> <f:param name="n" value="#{ file.n() }" /> <f:param name="size" value="thumbnail" /> </p:graphicimage> <p:filedownload value="#{ fileuploadmb.streamedcontentfromfile }"/> <f:param name="n" value="#{ file.n() }" /> </p:commandlink> </p:column> <p:column> <p:commandlink value="remove" disabled="#{ loginmb.customerrole , !orderdetailmb.filemodificationpermitted }" action="#{ fileuploadmb.removeuploadedfile }" rendered="#{ file.uploadedfilepresent }" u

How to evaluate the following c program? -

#include<stdio.h> int main() { int x; x=~!printf; printf("%x",x); } can 1 explain me process derive output of program. printf pointer printf function - it's integer of sort. ! unary not, meaning returns 0 if operand true, , 1 operand false. since printf true (non-zero, because function defined), subexpression far 0 . ~ bitwise complement. flips bits of binary number given. since given 0 , return 0xffffffff . that result stored x , printed out in hexadecimal. on 64-bit machine might instead 0xffffffffffffffff , though i'm not entirely certain.

Crystal Report Join two tables with more than one condition -

my challenge day join table on crystal without database-command instead work based on grafic selection of mysql-tables. sorry if use wrong translation menĂ¼s, have german version. it means in database-expert there selected databasetables instead selecting "add command". unfortunately, report ist created person , have alter it. a simple join not problem based on ids. in profiler can see inner join table2 on id = id all right. neer further condition: on id = id , (timefrom1 between time_to , time_end or time_to null) is there way manage bumping pixels? the problem is: if change sql-command, fields in report , formulars become canceld. ist extreamly hard change whle report sql command. hopefully can me. thanks frank how did go one? haven't defined tables , links within crystal report file before, had have play around first see meant. rather include new filter in join (which don't think can anyway), have tried defining criteria in record

php function to order a nesting array -

i'm trying solve problem function handle reorder array. this have: this calling function: _inline_entity_form_bulk_value_fixing($operations); and defined function (the $ret it's helper return result) function _inline_entity_form_bulk_value_fixing(&$operations, &$ret = array()) { so in $operations array have this array ( [0] => array ( [field] => field_colors [values] => array ( [90] => 90 [89] => 89 [92] => 92 ) [volume] => 3 ) [1] => array ( [field] => field_size [values] => array ( [86] => 86 [85] => 85 ) [volume] => 2 ) ) and want this. array

variables - Global boolean not working within function - Javascript -

<script> var xturn = true; function changeimage() { element=document.getelementbyid('myimage') if (element.src.match("/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/squaree.png") && xturn) { xturn = false; element.src="/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/xx.png"; } else if (element.src.match("/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/squaree.png") && xturn==false); { xturn = true; element.src="/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/circ.png"; } } </script> <img id="myimage" onclick="changeimage()" src="/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/squaree.png" width="90" height="90"> for reason xturn doesn't seem work within function. referencing if incorrectly? in wordpress, way. have checked make sure image changes without xturn being used. i think using match wrong , element.src give complete url with http://domain.... try

mysql - Apply CSS Styling to PHP output -

the following displays html results database field "never". trying apply css styling output. here's have... echo "<p><strong>never:</strong>&nbsp;".$results['never']."".$results['text']."</p><br />"; here's i've tried... echo "<p><strong>never:</strong>&nbsp;".$results['<div id="nevermsg">'never'</div>]."".$results['text']."</p><br />"; here's css... #nevermsg { color: red; } ...but it's not applying properly. receiving syntax error , headache. putting in wrong spot? the $results variable not being filled. edit: code added here's connection... <?php mysql_connect("localhost", "jpcso_compliance", "abc*123") or die("error connecting database: ".mysql_error()); /* localhost - it's lo