c# - jQuery UI class dissapears on button even though .button() is set in codebehind? -

im starting pull hair on this.

im trying append jquery ui's button appearance on regular button, doesn't appended. doesnt class..

<asp:updatepanel id="cartupdpanel" updatemode="conditional" childrenastriggers="true" runat="server">     <button runat="server" id="checkoutcartbutton" causesvalidation="false" enableviewstate="false">checkout</button>     <triggers>         <asp:postbacktrigger controlid="checkoutcartbutton" />     </triggers> </asp:updatepanel> 

i want button have secondary icon. know how make happen. i'm running problems..

this checkout button cart (i had disabling working fine before wanted make fancy), , in code behind checks if have enough credit checkout or not, enabling/disabling button.

i cant create button in in ascx file because over-write disabling of button, making enabled:

scriptmanager.registerclientscriptblock(page, page.gettype(), "disable button", "console.log('disabled'); $('#" + checkoutcartbutton.clientid + "').button({ icons: { secondary: 'ui-icon-circle-arrow-e' }, disabled: true });", true); 

i've tried using updatepanel's id control, no further success. , while writing thought page-life cycle problem, since cart credit being checked oninit. though changed pageload, no difference.

any wise people out there see problem?

you're attaching wrong method.

instead of scriptmanager.registerclientscriptblock, use scriptmanager.registerstartupscript.

also, enclose script $(function () { }) executed when page loaded.

should solve problem.


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