datagridcomboboxcolumn - State, County, and City cascading comboboxcolumns in Datagridview -
state, county, , city cascading comboboxcolumns. created simple form datagridview. datagridview contians 3 comboboxcolumns (state, county , city). when select state county combobox should show counties within state, when select county, city column should show cities within selected state , county. need able change state , county @ point, should reset other corresponding columns.
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.componentmodel; using; using system.drawing; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using; namespace statecountycitydatagridviewcomboboxcolumnissue { public partial class form1 : form { private datatable dtstatecountycity = new datatable(); public form1() { initializecomponent(); dtstatecountycity = createdatatable_statecountycity(); var statelist = (from scc in dtstatecountycity.asenumerable() group scc scc.field<string>("state") g select new { state = g.key }).tolist(); dgvcmbcolstate.datasource = statelist; dgvcmbcolstate.displaymember = "state"; dgvcmbcolstate.valuemember = "state"; } public datatable createdatatable_statecountycity() { datatable dt = new datatable(); dt.columns.add("state", typeof(string)); dt.columns.add("county", typeof(string)); dt.columns.add("city", typeof(string)); dt.rows.add("michigan", "oakland", "royal oak"); dt.rows.add("michigan", "oakland", "birmingham"); dt.rows.add("michigan", "oakland", "troy"); dt.rows.add("michigan", "macomb", "sterling heights"); dt.rows.add("michigan", "macomb", "warren"); dt.rows.add("illinois", "cook", "chicago"); dt.rows.add("illinois", "cook", "alsip"); dt.rows.add("illinois", "cook", "oak park"); dt.rows.add("illinois", "clinton", "albers"); dt.rows.add("illinois", "clinton", "aviston"); return dt; } private void countycombobox_dropdown(object sender, eventargs e) { //int64 xrefid = convert.toint64(dgvdepartmentworkerscomp.currentrow.cells[6].value); if (dgvstatecountycity.currentrow.cells[0].value != null) { string stateselected = dgvstatecountycity.currentrow.cells[0].value.tostring(); datarow[] drtemprows ="state = '" + stateselected + "'"); if (drtemprows != null && drtemprows.length > 0) { datatable dttemp = drtemprows.copytodatatable(); var countylist = (from tblcounty in dttemp.asenumerable() group tblcounty tblcounty.field<string>("county") g select new { county = g.key }).tolist(); bindingsource bs = new bindingsource(countylist, ""); dgvcmbcolcounty.datasource = bs; dgvcmbcolcounty.displaymember = "county"; dgvcmbcolcounty.valuemember = "county"; } } } private void citycombobox_dropdown(object sender, eventargs e) { //int64 xrefid = convert.toint64(dgvdepartmentworkerscomp.currentrow.cells[6].value); if (dgvstatecountycity.currentrow.cells[1].value != null) { string countyselected = dgvstatecountycity.currentrow.cells[1].value.tostring(); datarow[] drtemprows ="county = '" + countyselected + "'"); if (drtemprows != null && drtemprows.length > 0) { datatable dttemp = drtemprows.copytodatatable(); bindingsource bs = new bindingsource(dttemp, ""); dgvcmbcolcity.datasource = bs; dgvcmbcolcity.displaymember = "city"; dgvcmbcolcity.valuemember = "city"; } } } private void stateselectionchanged(object sender, eventargs e) { } private void dgvstatecountycity_editingcontrolshowing(object sender, datagridvieweditingcontrolshowingeventargs e) { int statecolumnindex = 0; int countycolumnindex = 1; int citycolumnindex = 2; if (e.control combobox) { if (dgvstatecountycity.currentcell.columnindex == countycolumnindex) { combobox countycombobox = e.control combobox; if (countycombobox != null) { countycombobox.dropdown += new eventhandler(countycombobox_dropdown); } } if (dgvstatecountycity.currentcell.columnindex == citycolumnindex) { combobox citycombobox = e.control combobox; if (citycombobox != null) { citycombobox.dropdown += new eventhandler(citycombobox_dropdown); } } //register selectedvaluechanged event , reset item combobox default if category changes if (dgvstatecountycity.currentcell != null && dgvstatecountycity.currentcell.columnindex == statecolumnindex) { combobox statecombobox = e.control combobox; if (statecombobox != null) { statecombobox.selectedvaluechanged += new eventhandler(stateselectionchanged); } } } } //because filtering way can make cell have value not contained in //the datagridviewcomboboxcolumn.items, have handle dataerror private void dgvstatecountycity_dataerror(object sender, datagridviewdataerroreventargs e) { //we're interested in datagridviewcomboboxcolumn if (dgvstatecountycity.columns[e.columnindex] datagridviewcomboboxcolumn) { e.cancel = true; } } } }
any ideas on complete this? appreciate help!
i found answer hidden somewhere else. fixed code , here is. key have use datagridviewcomboboxcell. working sample. use , without warrenties.
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.componentmodel; using; using system.drawing; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using; namespace statecountycitydatagridviewcomboboxcolumnissue { public partial class form1 : form { private datatable dtstatecountycity = new datatable(); public form1() { initializecomponent(); dtstatecountycity = createdatatable_statecountycity(); var statelist = (from scc in dtstatecountycity.asenumerable() group scc scc.field<string>("state") g select new { state = g.key }).tolist(); dgvcmbcolstate.datasource = statelist; dgvcmbcolstate.displaymember = "state"; dgvcmbcolstate.valuemember = "state"; } public datatable createdatatable_statecountycity() { datatable dt = new datatable(); dt.columns.add("state", typeof(string)); dt.columns.add("county", typeof(string)); dt.columns.add("city", typeof(string)); dt.rows.add("michigan", "oakland", "royal oak"); dt.rows.add("michigan", "oakland", "birmingham"); dt.rows.add("michigan", "oakland", "troy"); dt.rows.add("michigan", "macomb", "sterling heights"); dt.rows.add("michigan", "macomb", "warren"); dt.rows.add("illinois", "cook", "chicago"); dt.rows.add("illinois", "cook", "alsip"); dt.rows.add("illinois", "cook", "oak park"); dt.rows.add("illinois", "clinton", "albers"); dt.rows.add("illinois", "clinton", "aviston"); return dt; } //because filtering way can make cell have value not contained in //the datagridviewcomboboxcolumn.items, have handle dataerror private void dgvstatecountycity_dataerror(object sender, datagridviewdataerroreventargs e) { //we're interested in datagridviewcomboboxcolumn if (dgvstatecountycity.columns[e.columnindex] datagridviewcomboboxcolumn) { e.cancel = true; } } private void dgvstatecountycity_cellclick(object sender, datagridviewcelleventargs e) { if (e.columnindex == 1) { if (dgvstatecountycity.currentrow.cells[0].value != null) { string stateselected = dgvstatecountycity.currentrow.cells[0].value.tostring(); datarow[] drtemprows ="state = '" + stateselected + "'"); if (drtemprows != null && drtemprows.length > 0) { datatable dttemp = drtemprows.copytodatatable(); var countylist = (from tblcounty in dttemp.asenumerable() group tblcounty tblcounty.field<string>("county") g select new { county = g.key }).tolist(); bindingsource bs = new bindingsource(countylist, ""); // note: here changed previous code datagridviewcomboboxcell combocell = dgvstatecountycity[1, dgvstatecountycity.currentrow.index] datagridviewcomboboxcell; combocell.datasource = new bindingsource(bs, null); combocell.displaymember = "county"; //name of column indatatable display!! combocell.valuemember = "county"; // vlaue if needed } } } if (e.columnindex == 2) { if (dgvstatecountycity.currentrow.cells[1].value != null) { string countyselected = dgvstatecountycity.currentrow.cells[1].value.tostring(); datarow[] drtemprows ="county = '" + countyselected + "'"); if (drtemprows != null && drtemprows.length > 0) { datatable dttemp = drtemprows.copytodatatable(); bindingsource bs = new bindingsource(dttemp, ""); // note: here changed previous code datagridviewcomboboxcell combocell2 = dgvstatecountycity[2, dgvstatecountycity.currentrow.index] datagridviewcomboboxcell; combocell2.datasource = new bindingsource(bs, null); combocell2.displaymember = "city"; //name of column indatatable display!! combocell2.valuemember = "city"; // vlaue if needed } } } } private void dgvstatecountycity_editingcontrolshowing(object sender, datagridvieweditingcontrolshowingeventargs e) { //register selectedvaluechanged event , reset item combobox default if category changes if (dgvstatecountycity.currentcell.columnindex == 0 ) { combobox combobox = e.control combobox; combobox.selectedindexchanged -= new eventhandler(dgvcbstate_selectedvaluechanged); combobox.selectedindexchanged += new eventhandler(dgvcbstate_selectedvaluechanged); } } private void dgvcbstate_selectedvaluechanged(object sender, eventargs e) { //if category value changed reset item default. if (dgvstatecountycity.currentcell.columnindex == 0) { if (((datagridviewcomboboxeditingcontrol)sender).editingcontrolvaluechanged == true) { dgvstatecountycity.currentrow.cells[1].value = ""; dgvstatecountycity.currentrow.cells[2].value = ""; } } } } }
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