ios - How to pass Data to a ViewController created using instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier? -

i've created app uses bunch load of container views. today i've found out embedded segues not supported in ios 5 (thanks xcode letting me know.) right have lot of embedded segues passes data between 1 another.

i'm using code load viewcontrollers inside uiview instead of container ib:


- (void)viewdidload {     [super viewdidload];     uistoryboard* storyboard = [uistoryboard storyboardwithname:@"mainstoryboard" bundle:nil];     newsviewcontroller *news = [storyboard instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier:@"newsviewcontrollerid"];     news.view.frame = self.newssection.bounds;     [self.newssection addsubview:news.view];     [self addchildviewcontroller:news];     [news didmovetoparentviewcontroller:self];     // additional setup after loading view. } 

how can use above , still pass data newsviewcontroller (something prepare segue)

i've tried inserting in above like

        newsviewcontroller *news = [storyboard instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier:@"newsviewcontrollerid"];         news.view.frame = self.newssection.bounds;         news.mylabel.text = @"test";         [self.newssection addsubview:news.view]; 

but label won't change.

i prefer pass data , not use singleton or delegation.


i recommend creating public method, pass data need on newsviewcontroller controller. still, issue right updating ui before has been initialised. recommend have on how create content uiviewcontrollers, because right adding uiview. check this document apple, @ section implementing custom container view controller. , part of code:

- (void) displaycontentcontroller: (uiviewcontroller*) content; {    [self addchildviewcontroller:content];                 // 1    content.view.frame = [self frameforcontentcontroller]; // 2    [self.view addsubview:self.currentclientview];    [content didmovetoparentviewcontroller:self];          // 3 } 

so in case, after step 3 has been made, pass values want use inside newsviewcontroller.


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