php - Paypal API - GetVerifiedStatus - Invalid request -

i'm trying integrate paypal api in php application. use curl call remote method getverifiedstatus, i'm getting error 580023 - invalid request.

my request:


response after converting json:

{         "responseenvelope.timestamp":"2013-07-25t05:36:26.695-07:00",         "responseenvelope.ack":"failure",         "responseenvelope.correlationid":"e540c8c04a5b4",         "":"6679946",         "error(0).errorid":"580023",         "error(0).domain":"platform",         "error(0).subdomain":"application",         "error(0).severity":"error",         "error(0).category":"application",         "error(0).message":"cannot determine paypal account status"  } 

curl code

function hash_call_account($methodname, $nvpstr)     {         //declaring of global variables          $this->api_endpoint_adaptive_account .= "/" . $methodname;          //setting curl parameters.         $ch = curl_init();         curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_url,$this->api_endpoint_adaptive_account);         curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_verbose, 1);          //turning off server , peer verification(trustmanager concept).         curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_ssl_verifypeer, false);         curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_ssl_verifyhost, false);          curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_returntransfer,1);         curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_post, 1);          // set http headers         curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_httpheader,  array(             'x-paypal-request-data-format: nv',             'x-paypal-response-data-format: nv',             'x-paypal-security-userid: ' . $this->api_username,             'x-paypal-security-password: ' .$this->api_password,             'x-paypal-security-signature: ' . $this->api_signature,             'x-paypal-application-id: ' . $this->api_appid         ));          //if use_proxy constant set true in constants.php, proxy enabled.         //set proxy name proxy_host , port number proxy_port in constants.php          if($this->use_proxy)             curl_setopt ($ch, curlopt_proxy, $this->proxy_host. ":" . $this->proxy_port);           // requestenvelope fields         $detaillevel    = urlencode("returnall");   // see detaillevelcode in wsdl valid enumerations         $errorlanguage  = urlencode("en_us");       // should standard rfc 3066 language identification tag, e.g., en_us          // nvprequest submitting server         $nvpreq = "requestenvelope.errorlanguage=$errorlanguage&requestenvelope.detaillevel=$detaillevel";         $nvpreq .= "&$nvpstr";         //echo $nvpreq; die;         //setting nvpreq post field curl         curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_postfields, $nvpreq);          //getting response server         $response = curl_exec($ch);          //converting nvpresponse associative array         $nvpresarray=$this->deformatnvp($response);         $nvpreqarray=$this->deformatnvp($nvpreq);         $_session['nvpreqarray']=$nvpreqarray;          if (curl_errno($ch))          {             // moving display page display curl errors               $_session['curl_error_no']=curl_errno($ch) ;               $_session['curl_error_msg']=curl_error($ch);                //execute error handling module display errors.          }          else          {              //closing curl             curl_close($ch);         }          return $nvpresarray;     } 


configure::write('parallelpaypalapi.url', ''); configure::write('parallelpaypalapi.adaptiveaccounturl', ''); configure::write('parallelpaypalapi.api_username', user); configure::write('parallelpaypalapi.api_password', password); configure::write('parallelpaypalapi.api_signature', signature); configure::write('', business); configure::write('parallelpaypalapi.paymentdetailurl', ''); configure::write('parallelpaypalapi.appid', appid); 

could problem version of api? there problem nvp request?

i ran same problem , contacted paypal technical support , solution error 580023 normal behavior when name fails match email of paypal account. confusing because there nothing wrong @ request, contrary response message implies. example, if having same issue need change john doe first name , last name of user associated paypal email trying match against.

transcript convo paypal mts:

"the error receiving expected. in order response of verified or unverified, name provide must match email address provide."


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