php - symfony2 unable to send email via gmail -

i have been trying send email using swiftmailer, not able so, getting following exception

request.critical: uncaught php exception swift_transportexception: "failed authenticate on smtp server username "" using 1 possible authenticators" @ /home/ubuntu/symfony/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/swift/transport/esmtp/authhandler.php line 184 [] [] 

can tell missing here? looks authentication failing reason.

here snippet config file:

swiftmailer:        transport:  gmail   encryption: ssl   auth_mode:  login   host:   username:   password:   password 

my dev server has ubuntu v13 os

try removing config_dev.php

encryption: ssl auth_mode:  login 

there no need specify encryption: , auth_mode: if you're using transport: gmail see symfony2.3 cookbook how use gmail send emails

quick , dirty way test email options. init new symfony 2.3 project , in default controller in acme /demobundle put action.

/**  * @route("/mail")  * @template()  */ public function mailaction() {       $message = \swift_message::newinstance()             ->setsubject('hello email')             ->setfrom('')             ->setto('')             ->setbody(             $this->renderview(                     'demobundle:default:email.txt.twig', array('name' => 'user1')             )             )     ;     $this->get('mailer')->send($message);      return array('name' => 'whatever'); } 

twig templates in acme/demo/bundle/resources/views/default frontend template


{% extends '::base.html.twig' %}   {% block body %}      mail template    {% endblock %} 

the mailer template. email.txt.twig

this test email {{name }} 

going /mail should send email.


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