sql - Use as in select statement on select statement -

i have request select statement works in oracle, when execute in sql server throws exception; request :

select non_existant  (select rownum non_existant ,cab, validite tmp_rapprochement)  validite '%non_existant%' 

the error :

msg 207, niveau 16, État 1, ligne 2 nom de colonne non valide : 'rownum'. 

thank you.

the error says rownum not valid column name (i'm glad google translate there help)

msg 207, level 16, state 1, line 2 invalid column name 'rownum'.

you need fix error first - make sure columns select's list defined in table.

once out of way, need provide alias inner select, this:

select non_existant     (select rownum non_existant ,cab, validite tmp_rapprochement) x     -- x above alias, mandatory in sql server syntax. validite '%non_existant%' 

edit appears porting query oracle, rownum not real column. in case should replace row_number function, this:

select non_existant     (select row_number() on (order cab) non_existant     ,  cab --                           ^^^ put rapprochement's primary key there     ,  validite tmp_rapprochement ) x -- x alias, mandatory in sql server syntax. validite '%non_existant%' 


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