linux - Collectd server not writing down received client data -

i have pretty strange problem collectd. i'm not new collectd, using long time on centos based boxes, have ubuntu tls 12.04 boxes, , have strange issue.

so, using version 5.2 on ubuntu 12.04 tls. 2 boxes residing on rackspace (maybe important, i'm not sure). network plugin configured using 2 local ips, without firewall in between , without security (just try set simple client server scenario).

on both servers collectd writes in configured folders should write, on server machine doesn't write data received client.

troubleshooted tcpdump, , can see udp traffic , collectd data, including hostname , plugin names client machine, received on server, not flushed appropriate folder (configured collectd) ever. running root user, avoid troubleshooting permissions.

anyone has idea or similar experience this? or maybe idea troubleshooting beside trying crawl internet (i think clicked on every sensible link google gave me in last 2 days) , checking network layer (which looks fine)?

and small note: same happened official 4.10.2 version ubuntu's repo. after trying troubleshoot hours moved upgrade version five.

i'd suggest trying out quite generic troubleshooting procedure based on csv , logfile plugins, described in this answer. seems fine locally, follow procedure on server, activating network plugin (in addition logfile, csv , possibly rrdtool).


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