ruby on rails - result of passing a symbol to method -

i have method declaration 1 argument :

def my_method(argum)    if argum.empty?       puts "argument empty"    else        puts "argument not empty"    end end 

when call method , pass symbol : my_method(:aleatoir_symbol) show me argument not empty , when pass literal symbol my_method(:"") show argument empty

i test irb , result :

:a_symbol.empty?  => false  :"".empty?  => true 

my question why when pass symbol :any_symbol show argument not empty ??

i'm searching , find similar question here there 1 answer given't me clear comprehension of reason. clear answer helpful . thank's

** update **

here original question, , open question because don't have answer

symbol#empty defined self.to_s.empty? (with self being symbol).

so answer question why :"".empty? true: because :"".to_s (the empty string) empty.

to adress comment: :any_symbol.empty? false, because :any_symbol.to_s.empty? false. it's same thing. maybe empty? not method looking for. maybe didn't asking.


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