batch file - how to bring back value of the variable that was set in child cmd prompt? -

in example result rest of script doesn't see variable changed.

set testvar=initial_value start "" /b /belownormal /wait cmd /c set testvar=im'changed echo %testvar% 

is there way bring it's value main command prompt ? (this simplified example of app must run in lower cpu priority, , need receive it's errorlevel value using && this:

start "" /b /belownormal /wait cmd /c myapp.exe  && set elevel=ok || set elevel=fail 

try this:

@echo off &setlocal set testvar=initial_value /f "delims=" %%a in ('start "" /b /belownormal /wait cmd /c echo(im^'changed') set "testvar=%%a" echo %testvar% 

.. or errorlevel:

@echo off &setlocal start "" /b /belownormal /wait cmd /c exit /b 322 echo %errorlevel% 


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