c# - Why doesn't the watch window in sharpdevelop show the value of this variable? -

firstly let me code developed in sharpdevelop 4.3, code runs ok , gives results supposed to, getting point little more difficult in terms of debugging because watch window doesn't seem present values expected. can tell me whether there should inspect values in loop?

the value of mailitem.subject instance shown in watch as: object not of type microsoft.office.interop.outlook._mailitem (i bit confused underscore read naming convention , believe have removed underscores throughout project own preference) note mailitem in watch showing system.__comobject - clue lost on me?

//looping through mail items in folder. foreach (microsoft.office.interop.outlook.mailitem mailitem in fldmailitems.items) {     if (mailitem.body != "")     {         mymail mail = new mymail();     mail.subject = (mailitem.subject == null) ? string.empty : mailitem.subject;     //mail.     mailitems.add(mail);     } } 

to further illustrate issue applying redemption rdomail, message box displays expect watch window not show property sendername exists - shows base class value: object, within _identity , identity both null, , further non-public members m_objjecttodatamap has value of null.
here example causing same headache:

    void connectoutlook()     {          session = new redemption.rdosession();             session.logon();             inbox = session.getdefaultfolder(rdodefaultfolders.olfolderinbox);               }      void disconnectoutlook()     {         session.logoff();         session = null;     }       void mainformload(object sender, eventargs e)     {         try         {              connectoutlook();              int i=0;             foreach ( rdomail mailitem in inbox.items.restrict("[messageclass] = 'ipm.note'"))             {                 i++;                 messagebox.show(mailitem.sendername);             }              .... 

does happen items in folder or some? need make sure have regular message, bot report item.

this not apply redemption since in redemption message items (rdoreportitem, rdomeetingirtem, etc.) derived rdomail.


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