Scaled (or toggle display) html5 video on ipad not Visible -

<video  width="910" height="544" controls>     <source src="resources/videos/movie1.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> 

i have html5 video need hidden tried webkit transition on scale up:

vidwrapper {     -webkit-transition: .5s ease-in-out;     -webkit-transform: scale(0);  } {         -webkit-transform: scale(1); 

also here .js code use scale video. had use timeout because after displaying video, dom seems need chance catch before can scale up:

settimeout(function(){                  debugger;                  scope.m_vidwrapper.addcls('active');             },200,scope) 

**note if remove settimeout, , call scope.m_vidwrapper.addcls('active'); start transition, video appear. , not scale 0 1 nicely

, work on chrome , safari not ipad . tried toggling display none block , still won't show up. have seen if leave page i'm trying display video flash visible , seems there maybe dom has refreshed somehow after scale up?

as workaround ended setting initial scale value 0.1 instead of 0 i.e: -webkit-transform: scale(0.1);


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