In Outlook 2003, get display name of additional mailboxes and PSTs -

i've written piece of code:

set ooutlook = createobject("outlook.application") set omapi = ooutlook.getnamespace("mapi") wscript.sleep 3000  each ostore in omapi.stores     if ostore.exchangestoretype = 1         msgbox ostore.displayname     end if next 

it gives me names of additional mailboxes in outlook 2010. if set exchange store type 3, return used pst names.

i achieve same outlook 2003 (only display names well).

unfortunately, there in 2003, store object not exist.

i've searched internet , found quite complicated "solutions" this. i've tried reproduce of them never got anywhere close succeeding. want displayed name of additional mailboxes , pst files... that's it, in outlook 2003.

now question:
- possible achieve natively under xp / outlook 2003?
- i'm fine additional mailboxes if pst files complicated

i thank in advance! quite important matter me :) appreciate help.

i don't need full solution maybe knowledge me key facts (objects, methods ...)

i've read wrappers , such it's cannot afford use (only freeware) , i've never used. cross fingers works oultook's native functions :)

i think want:

sub getmailboxnames()    dim olapp outlook.application   dim olns outlook.namespace   dim long    set olapp = outlook.application   set olns = olapp.getnamespace("mapi")    = 1 olns.folders.count     debug.print olns.folders(i).name   next  end sub 


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