libArchive modify data in .zip file -

i try modify( in memory ) 1 file in zip archive. not understand how it

i read source file memory not understand next

can give mу example how can this

why, here's simple c++11 example, replacing file , adding new file:

// g++ -std=c++11 -wall -g -o3 -fno-inline-functions -o pack -larchive #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; #include <memory> using std::shared_ptr; using std::unique_ptr; #include <string.h> #include <archive.h>  // cygwin's libarchive. #include <archive_entry.h>  int main (int argc, char** argv) {   const char* usage = "usage: pack $ $ $pathtoreplace";   const char* infile = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : nullptr; if (!infile) {cerr << usage << endl; return 1;}   const char* outfile = argc > 2 ? argv[2] : nullptr; if (!outfile) {cerr << usage << endl; return 1;}   const char* pathtoreplace = argc > 3 ? argv[3] : nullptr; if (!pathtoreplace) {cerr << usage << endl; return 1;}    shared_ptr<archive> in (archive_read_new(), [infile](archive* ar) {if (archive_read_finish (ar) != archive_ok) cerr << "error closing " << infile << endl;});   archive_read_support_format_zip (in.get());  //   int rc = archive_read_open_filename (in.get(), infile, 65536);   if (rc != archive_ok) {cerr << "error opening archive " << infile << endl; return 1;}    shared_ptr<archive> out (archive_write_new(), [outfile](archive* ar) {if (archive_write_finish (ar) != archive_ok) cerr << "error closing " << outfile << endl;});   archive_write_set_format_zip (out.get());   rc = archive_write_open_filename (out.get(), outfile);   if (rc != archive_ok) {cerr << "error opening archive " << outfile << endl; return 1;}    archive_entry* entry; while (archive_read_next_header (in.get(), &entry) == archive_ok) {     const char* path = archive_entry_pathname (entry);     int64_t size = archive_entry_size (entry);     char buf[size]; if (archive_read_data (in.get(), buf, size) != size) {cerr << "error reading " << path << endl; return 1;}     if (strcmp (path, pathtoreplace) == 0 && size > 3) {strcpy (buf, "bar"); size = 3;}  // replacing contents of given file.     rc = archive_write_header (out.get(), entry); if (rc != archive_ok) {cerr << "error writing " << path << endl; return 1;}     if (archive_write_data (out.get(), buf, size) != size) {cerr << "error writing " << path << endl; return 1;}   }    // add new file.   unique_ptr<archive_entry, void(*)(archive_entry*)> (archive_entry_new(), archive_entry_free);   archive_entry_set_pathname (we.get(), "foo");   archive_entry_set_size (we.get(), 3);   archive_entry_set_filetype (we.get(), ae_ifreg);   archive_entry_set_perm (we.get(), 0664);   rc = archive_write_header (out.get(), we.get()); if (rc != archive_ok) {cerr << "error writing foo" << endl; return 1;}   if (archive_write_data (out.get(), "bar", 3) != 3) {cerr << "error writing foo" << endl; return 1;}   return 0; } 


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