updating records in sugarcrm through soap API -

what have done?

when add content drupal appear in sugarcrm , can done set_entry.

what want?

when edit data in drupal reflect on sugarcrm , it`s vice versa.

facing prblem?

i don`t how can done, weither function set_entry present update data or not in soap api of sugarcrm.

please give me suggestion.

yes set_entry exists , documentation can found @ sugarcrm api documentation

a call via smalltalk/javascript rest version of api like:

setentryfor: amodule values: anamevaluelist do: ablock | params | params := dictionary new         at: 'session' put: self sessionid;         at: 'module_name' put: amodule;     at: 'name_value_list' put: anamevaluelist;     yourself.  jquery      ajax: self url,'rest.php'     options: #{     'jsonp' -> 'jsoncallback'.     'data'-> (hashedcollection new      at: 'method' put: 'set_entry';     at: 'input_type' put: 'json'; 

the soap api uses same structure rest api.


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