c - Search g_slist_find_custom() function in GLib -

how use g_slist_find_custom(), when im working single list. , every node of list structure.

typedef struct {   int number;   int price;   char* title; }books;  gslist *list    =null,  g_slist_find_custom(list, /*?*/, (gcomparefunc)compp/*?*/); 

you can find items in gslist using function compare:

gint comp(gpointer pa, gpointer pb) {    const books *a = pa, *b = pb;     /* compares title, can compare index or price */    return strcmp(a->title, b->title); }  gslist *list = null; books temp, *item, *abook = g_malloc(sizeof(books));  strcpy(abook->title, "don quijote"); list = g_slist_append(list, abook); /* more code */ temp.title = "don quijote"; item = g_slist_find_custom(list, &temp, (gcomparefunc)comp); /* item contains abook */ 

furthermore can compare constants using null second parameter:

gint comp(gpointer p) {    const books *x = p;     return strcmp(x->title, "don quijote"); }  item = g_slist_find_custom(list, null, (gcomparefunc)comp); 


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