javascript - Altering Specific Text with jQuery -

here html/php:

<p>     <span data-good="<?php echo $row['good']; ?>" data-wasvoted="<?php echo $row['wasvoted']; ?>" data-review="<?php echo $row['review_id']; ?>"  class="upvote">votes (<span class="good"><?php echo $row['good']; ?></span>)</span> </p> 

this looks mess, apologize test code.

to user in output:

votes (3) // 3 example number. 

this clickable. want user click on it, , if have voted on this, 3 becomes 2. if have not, 3 becomes 4. determined data-wasvoted attribute. 1 if have , 0 if haven't. (there styling user can identify if have upvoted or not).

sending info server , getting need set up. can't figure out way grab right number since looped list of generated html. there string of dynamic vote buttons.

here jquery:

var review_id = $(this).data('review'); var was_voted = $(this).data('wasvoted'); var vote_total = $(this).data('good');  var new_text = $('.good');   $.ajax({         url : "php/reviews_upvote.php",         type : "post",         datatype : "json",         data : {             reviewid : review_id         },         success : function(data) {              if (was_voted == 1) {                 vote_total = vote_total - 1;                 new_text.text(vote_total);             } else {                 vote_total = vote_total + 1;                 new_text.text(vote_total);             }          }     }); 

the first problem var new_text. it's based on class repeated on , on again. if click one, vote numbers change on page, not 1 dealing with. how can identify unique attribute of 1 need?

the second issue; since user can vote 1 -- need dynamically change was_voted var 0 if 1, or 1 if 0.

edit: added html rendered after php called.

<span data-good="2" data-wasvoted="1" data-review="2582"  class="upvote">     votes (<span class="good">2</span>) </span> 

data-good vote total.

if logic handled inside click event .

1st problem - use target element.

2nd problem - use same context change data attribute

var $this = $(this),     review_id = $'review'),     was_voted = $'wasvoted'),     vote_total = $'good'),      new_text = $('.good');  $.ajax({         url : "php/reviews_upvote.php",         type : "post",         datatype : "json",         data : {             reviewid : review_id         },         success : function(data) {              if (was_voted == 1) {                 vote_total = vote_total - 1;                 $'wasvoted', 0);             } else {                 vote_total = vote_total + 1;                 $'wasvoted', 1);             }             $this.find('.good').text(vote_total);          }     }); 


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