sendmail - Incoming E-mail intercepted by PYTHON's ( ) is missing title and body content -

i use /etc/aliases redirect incoming emails
username "ooo" python script

( handled sendmail )

ooo:    "|/usr/bin/python /2/a.wsgi" 

this a.wsgi looks like.

import os import sys  = f = open('/2/email.txt','w') f.write(a) 

i sent test e-mail myself yahoo e-mail account whole title , body missing.

on purpose created long title consisting of lot's of o's , body consisting of lot's of o's multiple lines see it.

when intercepted e-mail python.. email.txt file looks like.

[root@a 2]# cat email.txt a***** thu jul 25 09:41:49 2013 received: ( [])     domain.tld (8.14.4/8.14.4) esmtp id r6p9fm88005190     <ooo@*****.tld>; thu, 25 jul 2013 09:41:48 gmt received: [] nnfmp; 25 jul 2013 17:26:26 -0000 received: [] nnfmp; 25 jul 2013 17:26:26 -0000 received: [] nnfmp; 25 jul 2013 17:26:26 -0000 x-yahoo-newman-property: ymail-3 x-yahoo-newman-id: received: (qmail 29958 invoked uid 60001); 25 jul 2013 17:26:26 -0000 dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=s1024; t=1374773185; bh=nc9zhe1k2q237s4a2qn53+4bwmq6bswfttyicwmusf8=; h=x-ymail-osg:received:x-rocket-mimeinfo:x-mailer:message-id:date:from:reply-to:subject:to:mime-version:content-type; b=tn89b5lx46otpfk9builcxvnlty3jvx[root@a 2]#  

as can see subject empty , body not visible either.

otherwise e-mailed myself

subject: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
body : lot's of o's multiple lines it'd easy see.

a = 

reads no more 1024 bytes. length of email.txt you've posted. discrepancy due redactions.

so, if want entire message, use

a = 


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