vb.net - change data grid view row colour depend upon the value -

i have datagridview this: enter image description here

i binding datagridview this:

dim cmd new sqlcommand("dashbordfetch", con.connect)   cmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure    cmd.parameters.add("@locid", sqldbtype.int).value = locid da.selectcommand = cmd da.fill(ds) dgvdashboard.datasource = ds.tables(0) 

i want datagridview have red row color when value 1. how can that? working in vb.net.

i have tried code in 1 of answers provided, looks this:


 private sub dgvdashboard_cellformatting(byval sender object, byval e system.windows.forms.datagridviewcellformattingeventargs) handles dgvdashboard.cellformatting             dim drv datarowview             if e.rowindex >= 0                 ' add condition here ignore following                 if e.rowindex <= ds.tables(0).rows.count - 1                     drv = ds.tables(0).defaultview.item(e.rowindex)                     dim c color                     if drv.item("value").tostring = "1"                         c = color.red                                             end if                     e.cellstyle.backcolor = c                 end if             end if         end sub 

let me know if doesn't work.


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