heroku - Saving third-party images on third-party server -

i writing service part of user chooses image url (not domain) , later , others can view image.

i need save image third party server (s3). after lot of wasted time found can not client side due security issues (i can't third party image data , send client side without alerting client, bad)

i not want uploading on server because run rails on heroku , workers expansive. though of 2 options: use transloadit.com, or write service on ec2 run on db, find rows images not uploaded , upload them. decided go ec2 , s3 because solution writing meant enterprise , seems sound better part of architecture when presented customers.

my question is: setup need can access heroku db external service?

any better ideas on how solve this?

so want write worker, instead of doing on heroku want on ec2? feels more work.

as database, did see documentation? shows how url.

ps. did not find in docs?


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