javascript - Concatenate two fields in one in CRM 2011 -

in form have date field gets current date in mm/dd/yyyy format , field auto-generates number.

i want populate field in following format:

yyyy-mm-dd-autogenreate number.

where year , month , date current dates of form.

how do this? , not @ coding if achieved through java script please specific possible.

assuming field doesn't have populated when load new entity, add onsave event form:

var datefieldvalue='datefieldname').getvalue(); 

    var autonum ='autonumfieldname').getvalue();

/* date formatting guido preite's answer */ // create yyyy-mm-dd string var year = datefieldvalue.getfullyear()+""; var month = (datefieldvalue.getmonth()+1)+""; var day = datefieldvalue.getdate()+""; var dateformat = year + "-" + month + "-" + day;'otherfield').setvalue(dateformat + "-" + autonum); 

note haven't tested might have error in it, should started.

you'll have note populated when entity created / updated on form. backend processes create entity need create same logic.

you use plugin perform same thing if wanted guarantee no matter how entity gets created, has value populated.


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