c# - Why is this NHibernate code performing a chain of explicit casts? -

i looking through source of nhibernate project (version , noticed strange in anywherematchmode class:

public override string tomatchstring(string pattern) {     return (string) (object) '%' + (object) pattern + (string) (object) '%'; } 

why on earth cast char object , re-cast string? why cast string object before adding other strings? there performance bonus here, or edge case avoid? i'm looking idea behind code, because there must reason it.

note: realized, got here resharper's "navigate to" feature, may decompiled code i'm looking at. if is, i'd know what's going on here.

looks may artifact of resharper's "navigate to", looking @ source code nhibernate method looks this:

public override string tomatchstring(string pattern) {     return '%' + pattern + '%'; } 

nhibernate source code

update: here's msil method:

.method public hidebysig virtual instance string          tomatchstring(string pattern) cil managed {   // code size       26 (0x1a)   .maxstack  3   .locals init ([0] string cs$1$0000)   il_0000:  nop   il_0001:  ldc.i4.s   37   il_0003:  box        [mscorlib]system.char   il_0008:  ldarg.1   il_0009:  ldc.i4.s   37   il_000b:  box        [mscorlib]system.char   il_0010:  call       string [mscorlib]system.string::concat(object,                                                               object,                                                               object)   il_0015:  stloc.0   il_0016:  br.s       il_0018   il_0018:  ldloc.0   il_0019:  ret } // end of method anywherematchmode::tomatchstring 

since code compiles string concatenation optimized string.concat("%", pattern, "%"), when resharper decompiles looks may representing boxing cast object.


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