android - How to handle errors using phonegap facebook connect plugin -

i using phonegap develop app on android , ios. far, have managed implement facebook connect plugin android , works pretty well.

there 1 thing unable do, how handle plugin errors. instance, when there no network connection, fb.login(...) not work , got alert facebook-js-sdk.js: line 5105 :

// cordova patch // if nativeinterface arg specified call out nativeinterface  // uses native app rather using iframe / popup web if (fb._nativeinterface) {     switch (params.method) {         case 'auth.login':             fb._nativeinterface.login(params, cb, function(e) {alert('cordova facebook connect plugin fail on login!' + e);});         break; 

how can intercept alert , display own error? here code using login:

login: function(success, error) {    fb.login(function(response) {      if (response.authresponse) {         //some code ..         if (success && typeof(success) === "function") {               success();           }       } else {         alert('user cancelled login or did not authorize.');                      if (error && typeof(error) === "function") {               error(false);           }       }    }, {scope: 'email'});  } 

ps: never enter in else block if cancel login authorization, i've got same alert.

am missing something?

thank help.


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