Processing Less CSS files that have php tags -

we have less file hi_style.less:

@import "css/base-ui.less";  #hi {     margin: 100px; } 

that includes less file css/base-ui.less lines this:

.ui-go {     background: #74a372 url(<?php echo $l_uri; ?>/images/ui-go.png) repeat-x scroll 50% 50%; } 

the reason need php (unless has better idea) because there 1 codebase have many sites attached separate database singular codebase.

e.g. , both use same code urls different.

is there way ignore php tags in less or better way have explicit urls 1 codebase.

we can't use relative paths base path can change , point different codebase.

thanks in advance.

edit: can't static file after it's processed because codebases can accessed via url like: or url of image file be: or or depending upon codebase that's being accessed.

it seems me wrapping url string in quote marks (which quite valid; here did single quotes ') solve issue. so...

.ui-go {     background: #74a372 url('<?php echo $l_uri; ?>/images/ui-go.png') repeat-x scroll 50% 50%; } 

that allows less output string php code (rather throw error), when run compiled css through php parser (i assume doing), should still fill in echo value needed.


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