android - Dialogue Like Activity is not Finishing on touch outside -

i created activity looks dialog .this did achieve

requestwindowfeature(window.feature_no_title);  display display = getwindow().getwindowmanager().getdefaultdisplay(); layoutparams params = getwindow().getattributes();  params.height = (display.getheight()*3)/4; params.width = (display.getwidth()) / 2; params.alpha = 1.0f; params.dimamount = 0.5f; | gravity.right;;  getwindow().setattributes((android.view.windowmanager.layoutparams) params);  setcontentview(r.layout.search_activity);   linearlayout layout = (linearlayout)findviewbyid(;  linearlayout.layoutparams lp = new        linearlayout.layoutparams(linearlayout.layoutparams.match_parent,         linearlayout.layoutparams.match_parent);  lp.setmargins(0, getintent().getextras().getint("height"), 0, 0);  layout.setlayoutparams(lp); 

style used create this

  <style name="popuptheme" parent="android:theme.holo.light.dialog">     <item name="android:windowisfloating">false</item>     <item name="android:windowcontentoverlay">@null</item>     <item name="android:windowsoftinputmode">statealwayshidden</item>     <item name="android:windowactionmodeoverlay">true</item>     <item name="android:windowistranslucent">true</item>     <item name="android:windowcloseontouchoutside">true</item>     <item name="android:windowbackground">@android:color/transparent</item>     </style> 

and obtained: enter image description here blue area activity .actually wen touch out side activity activity must gone view. it's working .but activity not getting finished .i want finish when touch it

i tried this.setfinishontouchoutside(true); and

@override   public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent event) {     // if we've received touch notification user has touched     // outside app, finish activity.     if (motionevent.action_outside == event.getaction()) {       finish();       return true;     }      // delegate else activity.     return super.ontouchevent(event);   } 

i know line <item name="android:windowcloseontouchoutside">true</item> helps close activity view .but there way access attribute programmatically . didn't me .can tell me how can achieve it??


public void onpause(){ super.onpause(); finish(); } 


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