javascript - blur event fired on scroll of div on IE -

i have text box user types something, suggestions shown above textbox. these suggestions wrapped inside "div" , can scroll if exceed height.

inputfld.on("blur", function(){ //some code close suggestion div if clicked outside inputfld (with check click on suggestion item) }); 

thus above code if click outside inputfld, hide "suggestions" div wrapper.

now issue when there lot of suggestion items , scrollbar. if try scroll through items on ie, blur event gets fired , closes suggestions wrapper div.

this not happen on other browsers though.

how handle on ie?

you can try catch clicks , check if click on else suggestion div:

$("body").bind('click', function(e) {      var target_div_id =; //get id of clicked element      if (target_div_id !== 'suggestion_div') { //check whether clicked element = suggestion_div          $('#suggestion_div').hide();      }  }); 


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