c# - How to parse the values to string in Windows Phone? -

how parse double format values (distance, calories) string format? taken in textblock. need convert them string in button clickevent.

private void positionchanged(object sender, geopositionchangedeventargs<geocoordinate> e)         {                         var coord = new geocoordinate(e.position.location.latitude, e.position.location.longitude);      var calories = calorieslabel.text;                 var previouspoint = _line.path.last();                 var distance = coord.getdistanceto(previouspoint);                 var millisperkilometer = (1000.0 / distance) * (system.environment.tickcount - _previouspositionchangetick);                 _kilometres += distance / 1000.0;                                pacelabel.text = timespan.frommilliseconds(millisperkilometer).tostring(@"mm\:ss");                 distancelabel.text = string.format("{0:f2} km", _kilometres);                 calorieslabel.text = string.format("{0:f0}", _kilometres * 65); } 

you use, example,

double d = 13.000; string.format("{0:0.000}km", d) 

or pass format parameter tostring method.

string s = d.tostring("0.000 km"); console.writeline(s); 

if "0.000" not passed parameter 13 displayed.hope helps


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