c# - The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context. Cannot get any help on net searches -

hi getting error of initializecomponent in app.xaml.cs page have checked net , no solution works. please help.

initializecomponent not exist

c# file:

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.net; using system.windows; using system.windows.controls; using system.windows.documents; using system.windows.input; using system.windows.media; using system.windows.media.animation; using system.windows.navigation; using system.windows.shapes; using microsoft.phone.controls; using microsoft.phone.shell; using newtonsoft.json;  namespace miser_sapp {      public partial class app : application     {           /// <summary>          /// provides easy access root frame of phone application.          /// </summary>           /// <returns>the root frame of phone application.</returns>           public phoneapplicationframe rootframe { get; private set; }           /// <summary>           /// constructor application object.          /// </summary>         public app()          {              // global handler uncaught exceptions.                unhandledexception += application_unhandledexception;               // standard silverlight initialization              initializecomponent();               // phone-specific initialization             initializephoneapplication();              // show graphics profiling information while debugging.             if (system.diagnostics.debugger.isattached)             {                 // display current frame rate counters.                 application.current.host.settings.enableframeratecounter = true;                  // show areas of app being redrawn in each frame.                 //application.current.host.settings.enableredrawregions = true;                  // enable non-production analysis visualization mode,                   // shows areas of page handed off gpu colored overlay.                 //application.current.host.settings.enablecachevisualization = true;                  // disable application idle detection setting useridledetectionmode property of                 // application's phoneapplicationservice object disabled.                  // caution:- use under debug mode only. application disables user idle detection continue run                 // , consume battery power when user not using phone.                 phoneapplicationservice.current.useridledetectionmode = idledetectionmode.disabled;             }         }          // code execute when application launching (eg, start)         // code not execute when application reactivated         private void application_launching(object sender, launchingeventargs e)         {         }          // code execute when application activated (brought foreground)         // code not execute when application first launched         private void application_activated(object sender, activatedeventargs e)         {         }           // code execute when application deactivated (sent background)         // code not execute when application closing         private void application_deactivated(object sender, deactivatedeventargs e)         {         }          // code execute when application closing (eg, user hit back)         // code not execute when application deactivated         private void application_closing(object sender, closingeventargs e)         {         }          // code execute if navigation fails         private void rootframe_navigationfailed(object sender, navigationfailedeventargs e)        {             if (system.diagnostics.debugger.isattached)             {                 // navigation has failed; break debugger                 system.diagnostics.debugger.break();             }         }          // code execute on unhandled exceptions         private void application_unhandledexception(object sender,    applicationunhandledexceptioneventargs e)         {             if (system.diagnostics.debugger.isattached)             {                 // unhandled exception has occurred; break debugger                 system.diagnostics.debugger.break();             }        }          #region phone application initialization          // avoid double-initialization         private bool phoneapplicationinitialized = false;          // not add additional code method         private void initializephoneapplication()         {             if (phoneapplicationinitialized)                 return;              // create frame don't set rootvisual yet; allows splash             // screen remain active until application ready render.             rootframe = new phoneapplicationframe();             rootframe.navigated += completeinitializephoneapplication;              // handle navigation failures             rootframe.navigationfailed += rootframe_navigationfailed;              // ensure don't initialize again             phoneapplicationinitialized = true;         }          // not add additional code method         private void completeinitializephoneapplication(object sender, navigationeventargs e)         {              // set root visual allow application render             if (rootvisual != rootframe)                 rootvisual = rootframe;              // remove handler since no longer needed              rootframe.navigated -= completeinitializephoneapplication;         }          #endregion     } } 

xaml file:

<application      x:class="miser_sapp.app"     xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"            xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"     xmlns:phone="clr-namespace:microsoft.phone.controls;assembly=microsoft.phone"     xmlns:shell="clr-namespace:microsoft.phone.shell;assembly=microsoft.phone">      <!--application resources-->     <application.resources>     </application.resources>      <application.applicationlifetimeobjects>         <!--required object handles lifetime events application-->         <shell:phoneapplicationservice              launching="application_launching" closing="application_closing"              activated="application_activated" deactivated="application_deactivated"/>     </application.applicationlifetimeobjects>  </application> 

i have uploaded app.xaml contents. have not made changes in it.

there 2 potential causes of this.

  1. the common x:class doesn't match mainpage.xaml namespace. make sure x:class in mainpage.xaml has correct namespace.

  2. the second common cause of problem "build action" not set "page" mainpage.xaml!


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