coldfusion - cfgrid format=flash is not displaying the result -

i trying cfgrid tag format=flash displaying query result.its not displaying output generating grid. sample code tried is:

<cfquery name = "getcourses" datasource = "cfdocexamples">      select course_id, dept_id, cornumber,      corname, corlevel      courselist      order dept_id asc, cornumber asc  </cfquery>   <h3>cfgrid example</h3>  <i>currently available courses</i>  <!--- cfgrid must inside cfform tag. --->  <cfform>   <cfgrid name = "firstgrid" format="flash"       height="320" width="580"      font="tahoma" fontsize="12"      query = "getcourses">   </cfgrid>  </cfform> 


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