python 2.7 - Django 1.5 class Meta has no attribute 'verbose_name_plural' -

i have upgraded project django1.3 django1.5 getting error "attributeerror: class meta has no attribute 'verbose_name_plural'"

base class

class portalmodelbase(models.base.modelbase):    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):         attr_meta = attrs.pop('meta', none)          try:            is_global = attr_meta.is_global            del attr_meta.is_global         except attributeerror:            is_global = false          attrs['meta'] = attr_meta         model = super(portalmodelbase, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)         model._meta.is_global = is_global         return model  class meta:     abstract = true 

model class

having meta class portalmodelbase

class portalmodel(models.model):      __metaclass__ = portalmodelbase      name = models.charfield(max_length=255, verbose_name='name*', help_text='enter name', blank=false)     description = models.charfield(max_length=1024, verbose_name='description', help_text="enter description", blank=true,null=true, default='')    createdby = models.charfield(max_length=128)    createdon = models.datetimefield()    modifiedby = models.charfield(max_length=128)    modifiedon = models.datetimefield()     def __init__(self_, *args, **kwargs):"portal model initializing")     if kwargs:         d = copy.copy(kwargs)         key in d:              if key not in self_._meta.get_all_field_names():                 #the key given dictionary not in model.                 #django, design, throw exception                 #this prevents                 kwargs.pop(key)      return super(portalmodel, self_).__init__(*args, **kwargs)    class meta:     abstract = true 

inherited class

class testip(portalmodel):       address = models.charfield(max_length=128, verbose_name='vip')     class meta:        abstract = false        verbose_name = 'testip'       verbose_name_plural = "testips" 

tried call verbose_name_plural in getting error "attributeerror: class meta has no attribute 'verbose_name_plural'"

kwargs[testip.meta.verbose_name_plural.lower().replace(' ', '')] = table 

it works fine in django1.3, please figure out issue.

thanks in advance

i figured out answer

in django1.5 should access meta class 'testip._meta.verbose_name_plural'

i have changed

kwargs[testip.meta.verbose_name_plural.lower().replace(' ', '')] = table 


kwargs[testip._meta.verbose_name_plural.lower().replace(' ', '')] = table 

it works fine in django1.5


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