How to Read last lines from a big file with Go every 10 secs -
how can read last 2 lines big log file without load memory completely?
i need read every 10 secs(on win machine)...and i'm stuck trying read last lines..
package main import ( "fmt" "time" "os" ) const myfile = "logfile.log" func main() { c := time.tick(10 * time.second) := range c { readfile(myfile) } } func readfile(fname string){ file, if err!=nil{ panic(err) } buf:=make([]byte, 32) c, err:=file.readat(32, ????) fmt.printf("%s\n", c) }
the log file like:
07/25/2013 11:55:42.400, 0.559 07/25/2013 11:55:52.200, 0.477 07/25/2013 11:56:02.000, 0.463 07/25/2013 11:56:11.800, 0.454 07/25/2013 11:56:21.600, 0.424 07/25/2013 11:56:31.400, 0.382 07/25/2013 11:56:41.200, 0.353 07/25/2013 11:56:51.000, 0.384 07/25/2013 11:57:00.800, 0.393 07/25/2013 11:57:10.600, 0.456
you can use or file.readat() end , reading forward. can estimate start seeking unless can know 2 lines = x bytes.
you can file length using os.stat(name)
here example based on readat, stat, , sample log file:
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "time" ) const myfile = "logfile.log" func main() { c := time.tick(10 * time.second) _ = range c { readfile(myfile) } } func readfile(fname string) { file, err := if err != nil { panic(err) } defer file.close() buf := make([]byte, 62) stat, err := os.stat(fname) start := stat.size() - 62 _, err = file.readat(buf, start) if err == nil { fmt.printf("%s\n", buf) } }
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