cakephp - Warning (2): array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array [CORE\cake\libs\view\helpers\paginator.php, line 194] -

i have table of users' details (first name, last name etc). trying use cakephp's paginator helper have links on fields instead of plain text viewer can sort fields in direction he/she may want to. getting warning 'warning (2): array_merge() [function.array-merge]: argument #1 not array [core\cake\libs\view\helpers\paginator.php, line 194]'. in controller have used following code:

class userscontroller extends appcontroller {   var $name = 'users';   var $helpers = array('html','form', 'paginator');   var $paginate = array(      'limit' => 30,     'order' => array(         'user.user_id' => 'asc'     ) ); } 

in view have used following code:

$tableheaders = array($this->paginator->sort('first name', 'first_name', array('model' => 'user')),                        $this->paginator->sort('last name', 'last_name', array('model' => 'user'))                       $this->paginator->sort('email', 'email', array('model' => 'user')),                         ); echo $this->html->tableheaders($tableheaders); 

i using cakephp's 1.3 version framework. ideas on how solve problem?


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