PrimeFaces Scrollable DataTable -

i facing problem primefaces datatable scrollable="true", columns shrink , column header doesn't align columns. have seen lot of posts on stackoverflow same problem, couldn't solution, 1 have solution now???

<p:datatable id="iddatatbl"  styleclass="lineitemdatatableqs hightlines" draggablecolumns="false" binding="#{<somebean>.<datatable>}" scrollable="true" scrollheight="150"  rows="25" value="#{<somebean>.<datamodel>}"  rowselectlistener="#{<somebean>.<methodcall>}"  selectionmode="single"  var="lineitemdata"  rowsperpagetemplate="5,25"  rowindexvar="linerowindex"  selection="#{quotesummarybackingbean.selectedlineitemrowslist}">  .  .  .  . <lot of columns.. 31>  .  .  .  </p:datatable>  

i cant post code :( in production in trouble, here code datatable tag, , there columns.


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