highcharts - Delay after addpoint when y-axis with opposite: true -

i want make chart adding many points series.addpoint( [xtime, yvalue], true, true); works fine, if chart big whole container filled , use opposite:true y-axis, last point missing shown, when next point has been added. without opposite:true can see points correctly added, have put y-axis right. tried increase offset, didn't solve problem.

how can show last point?

here jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/charissima/tfheu/1/

in right corner, actual y value displayed. can see, chart displayed correctly until reaches right margin. afterwords chart 1 step behind.

var prevy = 0; var data = []; var time = (new date()).gettime(), i; // getting first data, show diagonals (i = -19; <= 0; i++) {     data.push({         x: time + * 1000,         y: math.round(math.random() * 11)     }); } $(function () {     $(document).ready(function() {         highcharts.setoptions({             global : {                 useutc : false             },             lang: {                 months: ['jan.', 'feb.', 'märz', 'april', 'mai', 'juni', 'juli', 'aug.', 'sep.', 'okt.', 'nov.', 'dez.'],                 weekdays: ['sonntag', 'montag', 'dienstag', 'mittwoch', 'donnerstag', 'freitag', 'samstag'],                 decimalpoint: ',',                 thousandssep: '.'             },             chart : {                 zoomtype: 'x'             },             scrollbar: {                 enabled: true             },             navigation: {                 buttonoptions: {                     align: 'left'                 }             },             navigator: {                 enabled: true,                 top: 388,                 outlinecolor: '#c0c0c0',                 outlinewidth: 1             },             tooltip: {                 enabled: true,                 xdateformat: '%d.%m.%y %h:%m:%s'             },             credits: {                 enabled: false             },                                                       title: {                 text : ''             },             xaxis: {                 type: 'datetime',                 linecolor: '#eeeeee',                 tickcolor: '#eeeeee',                 gridlinecolor: '#eeeeee',                 minorgridlinecolor: '#ffffff',                 gridlinewidth: 1,                 minrange: 1 * 60 * 1000,                 range: 3 * 60 * 1000,                 labels: {                     enabled: true                 }             },             yaxis: {                 linecolor: '#eeeeee',                 tickcolor: '#eeeeee',                            gridlinecolor: '#eeeeee',                                opposite: true,                 offset: 5,                 linewidth: 1,                 tickwidth: 1,                 tickinterval: 1,                                                         minorgridlinecolor: '#ffffff',                  minortickinterval: 'auto',                 minorgridlinewidth: 0,              minortickcolor: '#ffffff',              minortickwidth: 1,              endontick: false,                 title: {                     enabled: false                 },                 labels: {                     formatter: function () {                         return highcharts.numberformat(this.value, 1,',','.');                     }                                    }                                },             plotoptions: {                 series: {                     linewidth: 1,                     threshold: null,                     showinlegend : false,                     marker: {                         enabled: false,                         radius: 2                     }                 }             }          });          $('#container').highcharts({             chart: {                 events: {                     load: function() {                         var chart = this;                         var series = this.series[0];                                                         setinterval(function() {                             var xtime = (new date()).gettime(); // current time                                                      var y = math.round(math.random() * 11);                             data.push([ xtime, prevy ]);                                                                 data.push([ xtime, y ]);                             series.setdata(data, true);                             chart.xaxis[0].setextremes( chart.xaxis[0].min, chart.xaxis[0].max);                             document.getelementbyid('value').innerhtml = y;                             prevy = y;                         }, 3 * 1000);                     }                 }             },             series: [{                 name: 'series',                 type : 'area',                 color: 'rgba(026, 089, 184, 1)',                 fillcolor: 'rgba(200, 221, 251, 0.5)', // nicht mit # hexcode angeben, sonst funktioniert opacity (durchsichtigkeit) nicht                                 data: data             }]         });      });  }); 


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