listview - Update List-View when model change -

i'm not able update javafx.scene.control.listview<todo> control. can see listview displays headline property. when change headline of todo list-view still displays old value.

public class todo {  private stringproperty  headline    = new simplestringproperty();  private stringproperty  description = new simplestringproperty();  public todo(string aheadline) {     this.setheadline(aheadline); }  public todo(string aheadline, string adescription) {     this(aheadline);     this.description.set(adescription);  }  public string getdescription() {     return this.description.get(); }  public stringproperty descriptionproperty() {     return this.description; }  public void setdescription(string adescription) {     this.description.set(adescription); }  public string getheadline() {     return this.headline.get(); }  public void setheadline(string aheadline) {     this.headline.set(aheadline); }  public static observablelist<todo> getmockups() {     try {         return fxcollections.observablearraylist(todoxmlparser.gettodosfromxml(paths.get("/todos.xml")));     } catch (jdomexception | ioexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     }     return null;  }  @override public string tostring() {     return this.headline.get(); } 


 this.listview = new listview<>();  this.listview.setitems(todo.getmockups());  this.listview.getselectionmodel().getselecteditem().setheadline("new"); 

i'm missing method listview.refresh(), or update() what's right way this?

edit: find way of doing this, glad, if can explain "official" way of doing this.

    void updatelistview(todo todo) {     int index = this.listview.getitems().indexof(todo);     this.listview.getitems().remove(todo);     this.listview.getitems().add(index, todo); } 

i found workaround. not beautifull job. i'll still dig better way it...

    int index = listview.getselectionmodel().getselectedindex();     system.out.println(listview.getitems());      observablelist<todo> olist = listview.getitems();     olist.get(index).setheadline("new");     listview.setitems(null);     listview.setitems(olist); 


    listview.getselectionmodel().getselecteditem().setheadline("new 2");     observablelist<todo> olist = listview.getitems();     listview.setitems(null);     listview.setitems(olist); 

here's "better" way

make little change in todo class have getheadline()method returns stringproperty instead of string.

then, make own implementation of cellfactory , bind textproperty stringproperty given getheadline() method :

    listview.setcellfactory(new callback<listview<todo>, listcell<todo>>() {         public listcell<todo> call(listview<todo> param) {             final listcell<todo> cell = new listcell<todo>() {                 @override                 public void updateitem(todo item, boolean empty) {                     super.updateitem(item, empty);                     if (item != null) {                         textproperty().bind(item.getheadline());                     }                 }             };             return cell;         }     }); 

now when make change underlying list corresponding cell updated


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