android - FragmentTabHost triggers onCreateView even though fragment is hidden -

i have fragmenttabhost in fragment. have 4 tabs. when click tabs, tab's oncreateview triggered though use fragment transaction hide it?

i debugged , found when click create tab home tab

createfragment createfragment = (createfragment) fm.findfragmentbytag(create_tag); 

is null though added in tabhost.addtab?

how can move between tabs , not call oncreateview of each fragments?

thank you

this fragment class

public class tabfragment extends fragment {  public static final string home_tag = "home"; public static final string create_tag = "create"; public static final string search_tag = "search"; public static final string profile_tag = "profile";   private myfragmenttabhost tabhost; private myfragmenttabhost.tabinfo tabinfo;  @override public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup viewgroup, bundle savedinstancestate){     view view = inflater.inflate(r.layout.fragment_tab, viewgroup, false);      tabhost = (myfragmenttabhost) view.findviewbyid(;     tabhost.setup(getactivity(), getchildfragmentmanager(),;     tabhost.addtab(tabhost.newtabspec(home_tag).setindicator(getstring(r.string.tab_home)), homefragment.class, null);     tabhost.addtab(tabhost.newtabspec(create_tag).setindicator(getstring(r.string.tab_create)), createfragment.class, null);     tabhost.addtab(tabhost.newtabspec(search_tag).setindicator(getstring(r.string.tab_search)), createfragment.class, null);     tabhost.addtab(tabhost.newtabspec(profile_tag).setindicator(getstring(r.string.tab_profile)), createfragment.class, null);      myfragmenttabhost.ontabchangelistener tablistener = new myfragmenttabhost.ontabchangelistener() {         @override         public void ontabchanged(string s) {             fragmentmanager fm = getchildfragmentmanager();             homefragment homefragment = (homefragment) fm.findfragmentbytag(home_tag);             createfragment createfragment = (createfragment) fm.findfragmentbytag(create_tag);              fragmenttransaction ft = fm.begintransaction();              if(s.equalsignorecase(home_tag)){                 if(homefragment == null)                     ft.add(, new homefragment(), home_tag);                 else{                     if(createfragment != null)                         ft.hide(createfragment);           ;                 }             }             else if(s.equalsignorecase(create_tag)){                 if(createfragment == null)                     ft.add(, new createfragment(), create_tag);                 else{                     if(homefragment != null)                         ft.hide(homefragment);           ;                 }             }              ft.commit();         }     };      tabhost.setontabchangedlistener(tablistener);      return view; } } 

in fragmenttabhost:

private fragmenttransaction dotabchanged(string tabid, fragmenttransaction ft) {     tabinfo newtab = null;     (int i=0; i<mtabs.size(); i++) {         tabinfo tab = mtabs.get(i);         if (tab.tag.equals(tabid)) {             newtab = tab;         }     }     if (newtab == null) {         throw new illegalstateexception("no tab known tag " + tabid);     }     if (mlasttab != newtab) {         if (ft == null) {             ft = mfragmentmanager.begintransaction();         }         if (mlasttab != null) {             if (mlasttab.fragment != null) {                 ft.detach(mlasttab.fragment);             }         }         if (newtab != null) {             if (newtab.fragment == null) {                 newtab.fragment = fragment.instantiate(mcontext,                         newtab.clss.getname(), newtab.args);                 ft.add(mcontainerid, newtab.fragment, newtab.tag);             } else {                 ft.attach(newtab.fragment);             }         }          mlasttab = newtab;     }     return ft; } 

transaction.attach(fragment) re-create view ,see details in source code. so,you can in fragment add code :

public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container, bundle savedinstancestate) {     if (!iscreated || mrootview == null) {         iscreated = true;         mrootview = inflater.inflate(r.layout.fragment_home_task, container, false);         butterknife.bind(this,mrootview);         onviewinitialized();     }     return mrootview; } 


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