c# - SQL Syntax Error: Remove/Disclude Apostrophe's? -

i use below code update business' information on 1 of windows forms. when user puts business name in txtbusname "sandy's place" receive incorrect syntax near ';'. unclosed quotation mark after character string ';'.

what best way handle issue?

conn = new sqlconnection(connstring); conn.open(); sqlcommand cmd = conn.createcommand();  mskzip.textmaskformat = maskformat.excludepromptandliterals; string zip = mskzip.text; mskzip.textmaskformat = maskformat.includeliterals; mskmailzip.textmaskformat = maskformat.excludepromptandliterals; string mailzip = mskmailzip.text; mskmailzip.textmaskformat = maskformat.includeliterals; mskphone.textmaskformat = maskformat.excludepromptandliterals; string phone = mskphone.text; mskphone.textmaskformat = maskformat.includeliterals; mskfax.textmaskformat = maskformat.excludepromptandliterals; string fax = mskfax.text; mskfax.textmaskformat = maskformat.includeliterals;   cmd.commandtext = "update business set name='" + txtbusname.text + "', contactname='" + txtcontname.text +                 "', address='" + txtaddr1.text + "', city='" + txtcity.text + "', state='" + cmbstate.text + "', zip=" + ((zip=="")?"null":zip) + ", " +                 "mailaddress='" + txtmailaddr1.text + "', mailcity='" + txtmailcity.text + "', mailstate='" + cmbmailstate.text +                 "', mailzipcode=" + ((mailzip == "") ? "null" : mailzip) + ", latitude=" + ((txtlat.text == "") ? "null" : txtlat.text) + ", longitude=" + ((txtlong.text == "") ? "null" : txtlong.text) + ", phone=" +                 ((phone == "") ? "null" : phone) + ", fax=" + ((fax == "") ? "null" : fax) + ", email='" + txtemail.text + "' " +                 "where businessid=" + busid + " , status='a';";  cmd.executenonquery();  messagebox.show("database updated successfully."); this.close(); 

you need use parameterized query this

cmd.commandtext =          "update business set name=@name, contactname=@contact, address=@address, " +                  "city=@city, state=@state, zip=@zip, " +                 "mailaddress=@mail, mailcity=@ecity, mailstate=@estate, " +                 "mailzipcode=@ezip, latitude=@lat, longitude=@lng, phone=@phone, " +                 "fax=@fax, email=@email " +                 "where businessid=@busid , status='a'";  cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@name", txtbusname.text); cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@contact", txtcontname.text);  cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@address", txtaddr1.text); cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@city", txtcity.text); cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@state", cmbstate.text);  sqlparameter p1 = cmd.parameters.add("@zip", sqldbtype.nvarchar); if(zip == "") p1.value = dbnull.value; else p1.value = zip;  cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@mail",  txtmailaddr1.text); cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@ecity", txtmailcity.text); cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@estate", cmbmailstate.text);  p1 = cmd.parameters.add("@ezip", sqldbtype.nvarchar); if (mailzip == "") p1.value = dbnull.value; else p1.value = mailzip;  p1 = cmd.parameters.add("@lat", sqldbtype.nvarchar); if (txtlat.text == "") p1.value = dbnull.value; else p1.value = txtlat.text;  p1 = cmd.parameters.add("@lng", sqldbtype.nvarchar); if (txtlong.text == "") p1.value = dbnull.value; else p1.value = txtlong.text;  p1 = cmd.parameters.add("@phone", sqldbtype.nvarchar); if (phone == "") p1.value = dbnull.value; else p1.value = phone;  p1 = cmd.parameters.add("@fax", sqldbtype.nvarchar); if (fax == "") p1.value = dbnull.value; else p1.value = fax;  cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@email", txtemail.text ); cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@busid", busid);  

the article linked above worth read start end, however, summarize, using parameterized query let work format single quotes (and numeric decimals , date literals) framework code knows better me , how deal strings , in way avoid dreaded sql injection problem expose database hacking

note: don't know actual datatype columns should set null, have assumed nvarchar. if not case should replace sqldbtype appropriate value.


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