c++ - "Console:: " do not compile -

this code taken http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.console.windowwidth.aspx want compile in gcc compiler.

#include<cstdio> #include<string> #include<windows.h> #include<iostream> using namespace system; int main() {    int origwidth;    int width;    int origheight;    int height;    string^ m1 = "the current window width {0}, , "     "current window height {1}.";    string^ m2 = "the new window width {0}, , new "     "window height {1}.";    string^ m4 = "  (press key continue...)";      //     // step 1: current window dimensions.     //    origwidth = console::windowwidth;    origheight = console::windowheight;    console::writeline( m1, console::windowwidth, console::windowheight );    console::writeline( m4 );    console::readkey( true );     //     // step 2: cut window 1/4 original size.     //    width = origwidth / 2;    height = origheight / 2;    console::setwindowsize( width, height );    console::writeline( m2, console::windowwidth, console::windowheight );    console::writeline( m4 );    console::readkey( true );     //     // step 3: restore window original size.     //    console::setwindowsize( origwidth, origheight );    console::writeline( m1, console::windowwidth, console::windowheight ); } 

but shows error.

the error is

f:\untitled2.cpp||in function 'int main()':| f:\untitled2.cpp|31|error: 'console' has not been declared| f:\untitled2.cpp|32|error: 'console' has not been declared| f:\untitled2.cpp|33|error: 'console' has not been declared| f:\untitled2.cpp|34|error: 'console' has not been declared| f:\untitled2.cpp|35|error: 'console' has not been declared| f:\untitled2.cpp|35|error: 'name' not declared in scope| f:\untitled2.cpp|36|error: 'console' has not been declared| ||=== build finished: 7 errors, 0 warnings (0 minutes, 0 seconds) ===| 

what should need add code?

that code not c++, c++/cli. use microsoft compiler it.


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