database - mysql query 3 tables -

i'm messing around mysql query on 3 tables , and cant work.

the situation: have 3 tables.

enter image description here

now try make mysql query based on inputfield, put in "oxid" table "oxarticles" , result should be, articles category article/oxid put in inputfield.

example: put "oxid" 2 in inputfield , press submit , result should looks this:

lenkrad reifen sitz 

i tried lot never come close to. made day before query show me categories based on article cant modified , used actual problem.

i hope guys can me :)

thats far, think not close cause white page.

$result = mysql_query("select distinct oxtitle oxarticles inner join oxobject2category b on a.oxid = b.oxobjectid b.oxcatnid in (select oxcatnid oxobject2category oxobjectid = 2)")  or die(mysql_error());  ; 

now got it:

the follow querys work:

select distinct oxtitle oxarticles inner join oxobject2category b on a.oxid = b.oxobjectid b.oxcatind in (select oxcatind oxobject2category oxobjectid = 2 

and 1 also:

select distinct   a.oxtitle   oxarticles a,   oxobject2category oc   a.oxid = oc.oxobjectid ,   oxcatind in (select oxcatind oxobject2category oxobjectid=2 

thank :)


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