java - Add page title between PdfPTables in iText -

i have number of pdfptables following each other this:

enter image description here

is possible add title on of page(not first page)? believe cant use pdfpageeventhelper because table first on each page needs moved down(to not overlap title).

any ideas or tips how can solved? cant figure out how know if there has been new page or not each of tables.

public class tabledemo {      /** resulting pdf file. */     public static final string result = "first_table.pdf";      /**      * main method.      * @param    args    no arguments needed      * @throws documentexception       * @throws ioexception      */     public static void main(string[] args)         throws ioexception, documentexception {         new tabledemo().createpdf(result);     }      /**      * creates pdf tables      * @param    filename name of pdf file created.      * @throws    documentexception       * @throws    ioexception      */     public void createpdf(string filename)         throws ioexception, documentexception {         document document = new document();         pdfwriter.getinstance(document, new fileoutputstream(filename));;          document.add(addtitle());          for(int i=0; i<10; i++)             document.add(createtable());          document.close();     }      /**      * creates our table      * @return our table      */     public static pdfptable createtable() {         pdfptable table = new pdfptable(4);          int rows = (int)(math.random()*30+1);         for(int row=0; row<rows; row++){             for(int cell=0; cell<4; cell++){                 table.addcell("row "+row+"; cell "+cell);             }         }          table.setkeeptogether(true);         table.setspacingafter(30);          return table;     }      public static paragraph addtitle(){          font fontbold = fontfactory.getfont("times-roman", 40, font.bold);          paragraph p = new paragraph("title on each page", fontbold);          p.setspacingafter(20);          p.setalignment(1); // center          return p;     } } 


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