ios5 - iOS: How to programmatically navigate/jump to different scenes managed by Navigation Controller? -

i have series of views managed under navigation controller. there way programmatically (in ios5+) jump (push/pop) different views? instance, have


how can i, say, jump rootviewcontroller detailviewcontroller3, , jump detailviewcontroller1?


you can try this.

  1. get vcs storyboard. (you have set identifiers in storyboard)

    uistoryboard *storyboard = [uistoryboard storyboardwithname:@"mainstoryboard" bundle:nil]; uiviewcontroller *detailviewcontroller1 = [storyboard instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier:@"detailviewcontroller1identifier"]; uiviewcontroller *detailviewcontroller3 = [storyboard instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier:@"detailviewcontroller3identifier"]; 
  2. push vcs way need.

    [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:(detailviewcontroller1) animated:yes]; [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:(detailviewcontroller3) animated:yes]; 

now, when press "back" you'll see detailviewcontroller1.


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