About Timer and Action...Help!!----(Android App) -

there problem! want action after second change words after 5 second.i set besides setting of timer.

i think easy pick android 3 days. should do?

use alarmmanager repeating actions.


pendingintent pintent = pendingintent.getservice(context, 0, new intent(context, yourintenthere.class), 0); alarmmanager alarm = (alarmmanager) context.getsystemservice(context.alarm_service); alarm.cancel(pintent); alarm.setrepeating(alarmmanager.rtc, calendar.getinstance().gettimeinmillis(), iinterval, pintent); 

so encapsulate logic want repeat in wich capable intent (activity or service).

alternatively use asynctask sleep, not recommend sth that.

see also:

http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/alarmmanager.html http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/android-app-builder/use-androids-alarmmanager-to-schedule-an-event/


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