android - I want to start a new activity when I click on a listview item -

i set onitemclicklistener crashes when click on 1 of list item. want know if can done

here code


 public class inbox extends listactivity {      private static string[] numbers;     private static string[] content;     @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.inbox_list);         dictionaryopenhelper helper = new dictionaryopenhelper(this,"mytable", null, 2);         sqlitedatabase database  = helper.getreadabledatabase();         cursor c = database.rawquery("select * mytable", null);          numbers = new string[c.getcount()];              content = new string[c.getcount()];             c.movetofirst();             int count = 0;             do{                 numbers[count] = c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex("phonenumber"));                 content[count] = c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex("message"));                 count++;             }             while(c.movetonext());              database.close();         setlistadapter(new arrayadapter<string>(this,                 android.r.layout.simple_list_item_1,                 numbers));     this.getlistview().setonitemclicklistener(listener);         }     private onitemclicklistener listener = new onitemclicklistener() {          @override         public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> arg0, view arg1, int arg2,                 long arg3) {             intent intent = new intent(inbox.this, contdisplay.class);             intent.putextra("number", numbers[arg2]);             startactivity(intent);         }     }; } 

inside oncreate:


arg0.getadapter().getitemid(arg2) should replaced arg2, because arg2 position of clicked list's element. think getting arrayindexoutofboundsexception because trying element of array not element's position, element's id! element's id example 100203102031230.


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