haskell - How do I make cabal-dev build documentation by default -

i work in places in have no internet access. move place in have minimal internet access. having documentation locally on system absolutely invaluable me.

using straight cabal, i'm able enabling documentation option in configuration file.

how can same effect cabal-dev? specifically, when install package using cabal-dev, want package documentation generated , index.html file project's documentation directory updated include package.

update: question duplicate of documentation cabal-install configuration file

edit ~/.cabal/share/cabal-dev-$version/admin/cabal-config.in , set value of documentation field true. cabal-config.in file template used initialising cabal-dev/cabal.config when creating new sandbox.

if want enable documentation existing cabal-dev sandbox, edit cabal-dev/cabal.config.

for users of cabal's native sandboxes: either enable documentation in ~/.cabal/config or create file cabal.config in same directory cabal.sandbox.config resides in following content:

documentation: true 


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