regex - PHP : preg_match_all none xhtml attributes -

i want improve code not know how write regexp.

i want none xhtml attributes in tag.

so after preg match want :

array(   0 => "required",   1 => "autocomplete" ); 

$balise = <input id="myid" class="myclassa myclassb myclassc" required autocomplete/>;

i use preg_match_all("/(?<=\s)[\w]+(?=[\s\/>])/i", $balise, $attributs);

but regexp :

array(   0 => "myclassb",   1 => "required",   3 => "autocomplete" ); 

i not want myclassb...

can me write regex ?


you can add negative look-ahead (?![^=]*?") make sure next " doesn't precede next =, way you're getting words aren't within quoted value. single-quote string " in regex won't terminate it.

preg_match_all('/(?<=\s)[\w]+(?=[\s\/>])(?![^=]*?")/i', $balise, $attributs); 


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