web services - 401: Unauthorized Exception occurred with an apache axis client(java) to invoke a webservice(.net) with an NTLM Authentication Technique -

i calling web service written in .net located remotely running under iis server.

i created respective stub using apache axis 1.4 eclipse ide , created respective web service client. test client in actual web application going call web service.

we have kept 2 different endpoint keeping security credential enable/disable.

  1. "ip:port/pigeon/pigeon.svc;" // authentication disabled
  2. "ip:port/pwa/pigeon.svc; // authentiction enabled

    so when using endpoint no (1) able call web service , gets things done, since want apply security credential mandatory when use endpoint no (2) getting below exception

(401)unauthorized axisfault
faultcode: {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}http
faultstring: (401)unauthorized
faultdetail: {}:return code: 401

i want pass credential in format :
1) domain\username
2) password

i tried adding suggestion of other post on here says set respective before call method in stub getting same above mentioned exception.

(mystub)._setproperty(javax.xml.rpc.stub.username_property, domain + "\" + username);
(mystub)._setproperty(javax.xml.rpc.stub.password_property, password);

hhowever search able ntml authentication java stand alone program invoking remote .net web service doing :

public static void main(string[] args) throws exception {     string urlstr = “http://example.com/root/action.dll?p1=value1″;     string domain = “”; // may referred realm     string username = “change_me”;     string password = “change_me”;            string responsetext = getauthenticatedresponse(urlstr, domain, username, password);      system.out.println(”response: ” + responsetext); }  private static string getauthenticatedresponse(final string urlstr, final string domain, final string username, final string password) throws ioexception {      stringbuilder response = new stringbuilder();      authenticator.setdefault(new authenticator() {         @override         public passwordauthentication getpasswordauthentication() {             return new passwordauthentication(domain + “\\” + username, password.tochararray());         }     });      url urlrequest = new url(urlstr);     httpurlconnection conn = (httpurlconnection) urlrequest.openconnection();     conn.setdooutput(true);     conn.setdoinput(true);     conn.setrequestmethod(”get”);      inputstream stream = conn.getinputstream();     bufferedreader in = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(stream));     string str = “”;     while ((str = in.readline()) != null) {         response.append(str);     }     in.close();           return response.tostring(); } 

but not able axis client stub generated wsdl provided .net web service in web service client. tried changing @stub level before invoke() call modifying according above demo throws same unauthorized exception.

this fyi/all remote iis server using ntlm authentication technique.

help expected on windows authentication using java in order pass security credential iis.

[note : axis client(java) passes domain\user password ,this configured iis server on otherside properly]

the problem axis 1.4 not implement correctly ntlm v2 protocol.

i experienced problem sharepoint 2010 web services. had client working sharepoint 2007 running on windows 2003 server. then, tested client sharepoint 2010 web services running on windows 2008 r2 server , stop working. error was:

caused by: (401)unauthorized @ org.apache.axis.transport.http.commonshttpsender.invoke(commonshttpsender.java:218) @ org.apache.axis.strategies.invocationstrategy.visit(invocationstrategy.java:32) @ org.apache.axis.simplechain.dovisiting(simplechain.java:118) @ org.apache.axis.simplechain.invoke(simplechain.java:83) @ org.apache.axis.client.axisclient.invoke(axisclient.java:165) @ org.apache.axis.client.call.invokeengine(call.java:2784) @ org.apache.axis.client.call.invoke(call.java:2767) @ org.apache.axis.client.call.invoke(call.java:2443) @ org.apache.axis.client.call.invoke(call.java:2366) @ org.apache.axis.client.call.invoke(call.java:1812) 

searching in google, problem windows 2003 using ntlm v1 protocol default, while windows 2008 r2 using ntlm v2 default.

i found solution , problem explained in following url:


the solution creating following class resolve httpclient 3.x:

public class jcifs_ntlmscheme implements authscheme {     private static applogger logger = new applogger(httphelper.class.getname());      /** ntlm challenge string. */     private string ntlmchallenge = null;     private static final int uninitiated = 0;    private static final int initiated = 1;    private static final int type1_msg_generated = 2;    private static final int type2_msg_received = 3;    private static final int type3_msg_generated = 4;    private static final int failed = integer.max_value;      /** authentication process state */     private int state;       public jcifs_ntlmscheme() throws authenticationexception {            // check if jcifs present. if not present, not proceed.            try {                   class.forname("jcifs.ntlmssp.ntlmmessage",false,this.getclass().getclassloader());            } catch (classnotfoundexception e) {                   throw new authenticationexception("unable proceed jcifs library not found.");            }     }      public string authenticate(credentials credentials, httpmethod method)                   throws authenticationexception {            logger.dolog(applogger.finest,                         "enter jcifs_ntlmscheme.authenticate(credentials, httpmethod)",                         null);              if (this.state == uninitiated) {                   throw new illegalstateexception(                                "ntlm authentication process has not been initiated");            }             ntcredentials ntcredentials = null;            try {                   ntcredentials = (ntcredentials) credentials;            } catch (classcastexception e) {                   throw new invalidcredentialsexception(                                "credentials cannot used ntlm authentication: "                                              + credentials.getclass().getname());            }              ntlm ntlm = new ntlm();            ntlm.setcredentialcharset(method.getparams().getcredentialcharset());            string response = null;            if (this.state == initiated || this.state == failed) {                   response = ntlm.generatetype1msg(ntcredentials.gethost(),                                ntcredentials.getdomain());                   this.state = type1_msg_generated;            } else {                   response = ntlm.generatetype3msg(ntcredentials.getusername(),                                ntcredentials.getpassword(), ntcredentials.gethost(),                                ntcredentials.getdomain(), this.ntlmchallenge);                   this.state = type3_msg_generated;            }            return "ntlm " + response;       }       public string authenticate(credentials credentials, string method,                   string uri) throws authenticationexception {            throw new runtimeexception(                         "not implemented deprecated anyway in httpclient 3.x");     }       public string getid() {            throw new runtimeexception(                         "not implemented deprecated anyway in httpclient 3.x");     }       /**      * returns authentication parameter given name, if available.      *      * <p>      * there no valid parameters ntlm authentication method      * returns <tt>null</tt>.      * </p>      *      * @param name      *            name of parameter returned      *      * @return parameter given name      */     public string getparameter(string name) {            if (name == null) {                   throw new illegalargumentexception("parameter name may not null");            }            return null;     }       /**      * concept of authentication realm not supported ntlm      * authentication scheme. returns <code>null</code>.      *      * @return <code>null</code>      */     public string getrealm() {            return null;     }       /**      * returns textual designation of ntlm authentication scheme.      *      * @return <code>ntlm</code>      */     public string getschemename() {            return "ntlm";     }       /**      * tests if ntlm authentication process has been completed.      *      * @return <tt>true</tt> if basic authorization has been processed,      *         <tt>false</tt> otherwise.      *      * @since 3.0      */     public boolean iscomplete() {            return this.state == type3_msg_generated || this.state == failed;     }       /**      * returns <tt>true</tt>. ntlm authentication scheme connection based.      *      * @return <tt>true</tt>.      *      * @since 3.0      */     public boolean isconnectionbased() {            return true;     }       /**      * processes ntlm challenge.      *      * @param challenge      *            challenge string      *      * @throws malformedchallengeexception      *             thrown if authentication challenge malformed      *      * @since 3.0      */     public void processchallenge(final string challenge)                   throws malformedchallengeexception {            string s = authchallengeparser.extractscheme(challenge);            if (!s.equalsignorecase(getschemename())) {                   throw new malformedchallengeexception("invalid ntlm challenge: "                                + challenge);            }            int = challenge.indexof(' ');            if (i != -1) {                   s = challenge.substring(i, challenge.length());                   this.ntlmchallenge = s.trim();                   this.state = type2_msg_received;            } else {                   this.ntlmchallenge = "";                   if (this.state == uninitiated) {                         this.state = initiated;                   } else {                         this.state = failed;                   }            }     }       private class ntlm {         /** character encoding */         public static final string default_charset = "ascii";           /**             * character used 3.x's ntlm encode username ,             * password. apparently, not needed in when passing username,             * password ntcredentials jcifs library             */         private string credentialcharset = default_charset;              void setcredentialcharset(string credentialcharset) {                   this.credentialcharset = credentialcharset;            }              private string generatetype1msg(string host, string domain) {                   jcifs.ntlmssp.type1message t1m = new jcifs.ntlmssp.type1message(jcifs.ntlmssp.type1message.getdefaultflags(),                                domain, host);                   return jcifs.util.base64.encode(t1m.tobytearray());            }              private string generatetype3msg(string username, string password, string host,                         string domain, string challenge) {                   jcifs.ntlmssp.type2message t2m;                   try {                         t2m = new jcifs.ntlmssp.type2message(jcifs.util.base64.decode(challenge));                   } catch (ioexception e) {                         throw new runtimeexception("invalid type2 message", e);                   }                     jcifs.ntlmssp.type3message t3m = new jcifs.ntlmssp.type3message(t2m, password, domain,                                username, host, 0);                   return jcifs.util.base64.encode(t3m.tobytearray());            }     } 


then register new jcifs_ntlmscheme class replacement ntlmscheme using following command:

authpolicy.registerauthscheme(authpolicy.ntlm, org.xyz.jcifs_ntlmscheme.class); 

thanks sachin's tech place


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