ios - how to send proof of paypal transaction to server for confirmation and fulfillment of transaction in iPhone -
i displaying nsdictionary via nslog resulting here proof of payment:
{ client = { environment = sandbox; "paypal_sdk_version" = "1.0.5"; platform = ios; "product_name" = "paypal ios sdk"; }; payment = { amount = "190.50"; "currency_code" = usd; "short_description" = vegetables; }; "proof_of_payment" = { "adaptive_payment" = { "app_id" = "app-80w284485p519543t"; "pay_key" = "ap-0w362760mw159460w"; "payment_exec_status" = completed; timestamp = "2013-07-25t04:12:46.646-07:00"; }; };
i have read documentations link got paypal rest api uses oauth 2.0 framework authorization. result view real flowing transactions in paypal account (sandbox) ? next? have parsed json but these values storing them in variables?
when transaction complete paypal "paykey" in pay paymentsuccesswithkey delegate method. can call web services here store results server.
#pragma mark paypalpaymentdelegate methods -(void)paymentsuccesswithkey:(nsstring *)paykey andstatus:(paypalpaymentstatus)status; { paymentstatus = paymentstatus_success; nslog(@"...paykey...........%@", paykey); [self performselector:@selector(tellserveryouhavepaid:) withobject:paykey afterdelay:0.2]; } -(void)tellserveryouhavepaid{ //call web services here }
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