SOAP 1.1 encodingStyle attribute validation error -

looking @ soap 1.1 specification ( , corresponding xsd (, can see mismatch regarding encodingstyle attribute.

there many examples in w3c note, showing usage of encodingstyle attribute, e.g.:

<soap-env:envelope   xmlns:soap-env=""   soap-env:encodingstyle="">    <soap-env:body>        <m:getlasttradeprice xmlns:m="some-uri">            <symbol>dis</symbol>        </m:getlasttradeprice>    </soap-env:body> </soap-env:envelope> 

furthermore, section 4.1.1 says:

the soap encodingstyle global attribute can used indicate serialization rules  used in soap message. attribute may appear on element, , scoped element's contents , child elements not containing such attribute,  xml namespace declaration scoped.  

however, xsd does not allow use encodingstyle attribute within envelope nor header elements:

<xs:complextype name="envelope">     <xs:sequence>         <xs:element ref="tns:header" minoccurs="0"/>         <xs:element ref="tns:body" minoccurs="1"/>         <xs:any namespace="##other" minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="unbounded" processcontents="lax"/>     </xs:sequence>     <xs:anyattribute namespace="##other" processcontents="lax"/> </xs:complextype> 

as can see, there xsd wildcard "##other", saying attribute allowed other target namespace. however, target namespace in example same, example should not valid. doing quick test can verify this: trying validate xml document containing soap example result in failure (tested in intellij idea).

can tell me, whether there bug in w3c note, in xsd, or missing something? in advance.


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