NHibernate Mapping doesn't work -

i created console application, database, model, xml-file , wrote code

using system; using system.reflection; using nhibernate.cfg; using nhibernate.dialect; using nhibernate.driver;  namespace nhibernatedemo { internal class program {     static void main(string[] args)     {         try         {             var cfg = new configuration();             cfg.databaseintegration(x =>                 {                     x.connectionstring = "server=.; database=nhibernatedemo; integrated security = sspi;";                     x.driver<sqlclientdriver>();                     x.dialect<mssql2008dialect>();                 });             cfg.addassembly(assembly.getexecutingassembly());             var sessionfactory = cfg.buildsessionfactory();             using (var session = sessionfactory.opensession())             using (var tx = session.begintransaction())             {                 var customers = session.createcriteria<customer>()                                        .list<customer>();                 foreach (var customer in customers)                 {                     console.writeline("{0} {1}", customer.firstname, customer.lastname);                 }                 tx.commit();                 console.writeline("enter key exit...");                 console.readkey();             }         }          catch (exception e)         {         }      } } } 

i didn't error , exception, didn't information database too, string "enter key exit..." in console.
what's wrong?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <hibernate-mappin xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2"                   assembly="nhibernatedemo"                   namespace="nhibernatedemo">     <class name="customer">         <id name="id">             <generator class="native" />         </id>         <property name="firstname"/>         <property name="lastname"/>     </class> </hibernate-mappin> 

have added xml mapping files assembly.getexecutingassembly())? have make embedded resource. otherwise have behavoir describing.

go properties of files change build action.


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